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Orbx Installation lock P3DV4


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Installation of Orbx Module lock P3DV4 Software:

-After install FTX Global Base Pack P3DV4 load but when you launch the scenario : P3D remain lock on 6% :Loading terrain data (attachement)

-After install FTX Global openLC Europe : P3D is locked on Welcome Screen


I deleted sceney.cfg and P3D launched again normally


After tried to reinstall Orbx product by product.:

After reinstall FTX Global Base Pack P3DV4 load but when you launch the scenario : P3D remain lock on 6%

If you install FTX Global openLC Europe : P3D is locked on Welcome Screen again





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What is your hard drive? It can take while at 6%

Welcome screen is what? You means splash screen? If yes, again, it can take while when new scenery installed, depends on speed and quality of your drive

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My drive is a Corsair Force Series LS 480Go SSD, I let my PC all the night and oon the morning was still on 6%


Yes splash sreen (in attachement) in this case also after hours it's still the same the only way is to kill process





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And what your P3D is doing? Do you try monitor its activity. I remembere that onece my FSX loading times goes crazy. I find that my antivirus software was checking each files and it takes "forewer". Exception in antivirus solves my problem, but I do not know if it is your problem.

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I just retried : I disabled Antivirus + Firewall + Ransomware protection : it's the same. Regarding activity when you are on 6% : Processor use : 0% Memory : 520 Mo (Not moving)

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On 08/07/2017 at 3:36 AM, GREM31 said:

I just retried : I disabled Antivirus + Firewall + Ransomware protection : it's the same. Regarding activity when you are on 6% : Processor use : 0% Memory : 520 Mo (Not moving)



    Given this statement, I am not sure how you can correlate Orbx scenery to be having an effect on your Simulator loading times or freeze, personally, I would be looking into your Hard Drive, or looking into a defunct driver.

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I'm not sure because P3D works well if I reset scenery.cfg (Rename it as .old) and let P3D generate a new one at next launch.

But If I enable again FTX Base again : it's restat to lock on 6%


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In that case, please visit the settings page of FTX Central and use the Insertion Point tool to

set the FTX icon at the top of your scenery library and the OLC icon just below it.

Don't forget to click on Save.

Then start P3D.

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Finally I solved it like this :


-On FTX central : Clic on unistall on all product.

-delete scenery.cfg

-delete folder Orbx in c:\Programmes\LM....

-clear temp in FTX central

-launch P3DV4

-Reinstall product by product.


And now it's works!


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