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Any help any ideas


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I also believe you said the problem started before you got the new graphics card..... not to mention that the power draw on an nvidia is typically less than on an amd .... at 750w you should be fine; and power issues are normally intermittent whereas this is constantly reproduceable..... 

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58 minutes ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Sniper31. No I don't get any beeps and my power supply is a 750w one so I think I have enough power. Plus the new card was ok before i started getting problems. Used to play The Division fantastic. Mean even if I have to go through the bios with my old card after that it's fine. Afraid it's got me stumped. Derek.

Well Derek, 750w should be enough, depending on what all else you have installed in your system. It could be worth a check to see how much the GTX 1060 requires, as you never know you might have been close to the limit with the old card, and with the Nvidia card you are now over the threshold. Also, there is the chance that you could have lost one of the power rails inside your PSU, which then means your PSU is not putting out 750w. I have had that happen to me at least twice, with different PSU's, that I can remember in the last ten years. Also, if you are NOT getting a POST beep, then that IS a problem. That beep is important, as it means that your system (CPU, MB, RAM and GPU) have all passed the Power On Self Testing that all computers do. There is a chance that the beep is turned off in your BIOS, but it will NOT be turned off by default.

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Sniper is right with the POST, it needs to pass, at that point it's testing architecture and components which is why if it's not the CMOS I recommended you update the bios on the motherboard. 


You have a motherboard which is at least 5 yrs old in design, and relatively new memory. You said the problem started after switching memory...... long before the graphics card........ the graphics card is just more obvious because it won't work at all. 


Its also possible the old motherboard does not support your new components fully, hence why I also suggested you try to update the bios, and why I asked if you had overclocked because that modifies power and frequency settings in the bios. 


Whilst we all play on software written almost 20 yrs ago (fsx), our hardware is not as resilient, and mixing old with new is not always successful. We've all been in this situation; it's such a pain trying to identify the cause.... 

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We have all given you the key items to try...... is the cmos battery ok, are cmos settings persisted with the new battery, revert to base settings in the bios......


Next would be components; update the bios, make sure the motherboard has the latest settings and codes for components........ memory is important, NEVER use cheap memory, it always causes compatibility issues...... use a reputable brand; I gave you the list of supported memory options for that board earlier as a link to the manufacturer website


At this point you probably have to spend money..... PSU? Maybe....but at this point the power draw on the graphics card is minimal, there's no load on the gpu and the fans won't be running like mad trying to keep it cool.....  so if it's got a problem at this point, it's typical that the board won't power up at all..... or once in windows and under load, the machine just crashes..... it is still a viable option though 


The reality is that some components just aren't compatible and the downside is..... if you change the board, you typically change the CPU and memory too.....if after youve tried everything above you're still having no joy and you don't want to spend too much.... then hit eBay and locate another board with the same chipset then at least you can use the rest of your components..... it'll probably only cost you about 50 pounds. ....... hope you get it sorted soon :) 



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Thank you all for your assistance in this matter. Yes I have looked at eBay and there is a board there same as mine but do I take a chance and possibly waste money or say to hell with it and go for new. Thanks guys. Derek.

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