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Airport Problems Using Global


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I am having various problems around airports after installing the FTX Global set (Global, OpenLC, and Vector).


  1. Illustrated by images KRDU1 and KRDU4, there is highway traffic running right through a terminal gate area.
  2. Illustrated by image KRDU5 there are houses in the airport.
  3. In image KRDU6, note the lack of jetways or airport vehicles on the right side of the terminal, as opposed to the left side of the terminal.
  4. Image KGSO is from another airport near me. I can assure you that the area around this airport is absolutely flat.


Uninstalling OpenLC North America gets rid of the houses, it does not affect the highway traffic.


Scenery1 illustrates something else. It is a picture of my scenery file AFTER I went into FTX Central 3 and clicked the uninstall button for OpenLC North America, and then checked that FTX Central 3 said that OpenLC North America was NOT installed. It certainly appears to me that files I would think were associated with OpenLC North America are still present. I unclicked the check boxes associated with these two files when I make the statement that Uninstalling OpenLC North America got rid of the houses.


So what's going on? Comments please.








Scenery 1.PNG

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The traffic is due to vector.
Vector's road's are accurate, but the placement of the airport is not.
In reality the road probably runs close to the airport boundry or is an access road inside the airport perimeter. The Flight Sim airport isn't accurately laid out creating thios conflict.
I'd suggest looking for another more accurate version of the airport (freeware or payware). That ought to sort out any conflicts with landlass and vector.

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8 minutes ago, DAVIDF4 said:

I'd suggest looking for another more accurate version of the airport (freeware or payware). That ought to sort out any conflicts with landlass and vector.


6 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Obviously, your KRDU entries should be located above all the FTX entries.  That might account for the issues you are seeing

The only payware or freeware version of this airport I've ever found is the KRDU and KRDULand set that you see listed in the scenery file pictured. NOTE that for this experiment they were both disabled, so I wouldn't think they should affect anything. 


Obviously I've got some bigger issues because the screenshots below come from SeaTac - KSEA - which I have no addon airport for but does lie within the FTX PNW area which I own and is installed. They are from the main runway, and then just having lifted off from the main runway.


Now what? Do I just need to uninstall everything, wipe out any folders not deleted by the uninstall, and start over? (Gads I hate that. LOL)




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There is seldom ever a need to uninstall and reinstall (although its usually the advice that people will give for some reason).
Run Vector's AEC (airport elevation correction) tool to fix KSEA.  Follow link:

Don't worry.  Things aren't anymore broken than they are supposed to be. 
There will be easy fixes for most things without needing to nuke your installation. Some things though are just anomilies that sneak through when trying to model the entire planet.
You can usually use the various FSX scenery design tools available to fix these yourself, or find some 3rd party scenery where someone has already done it for you.

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Hello wyndsan,

None of the problems you are having are new and they all have been answered

many many times already.

I would commend to you the search function of these forums which is quite effective

and should lead you to the answers quickly.


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Trying a combination of David and Stewart's advice, here is what it looks like when I re-enabled the custom KRDU airport set I have, and moved it up ahead of any of the ORBX files. Pretty patchy terminal, and didn't fix the traffic. I would dearly love to find a good KRDU version, but I've been looking for years. Though I just tried again, and maybe have found something. Cross fingers.


48 minutes ago, DAVIDF4 said:

You can usually use the various FSX scenery design tools available to fix these yourself, or find some 3rd party scenery where someone has already done it for you.

I don't really know anything about the guts of FSX. I've read bits and  pieces over the years, but never pursued it because I never could really find anything that didn't presume you already knew something, i.e., never started at the beginning and taught it from the ground up, (And, let's face it, that's why I buy something from ORBX, because that's not what I really want to do.) However, if that's the only way, do you have any suggestions of a really primary text or tutorial on the subject?


As to KSEA, ya know, I had run the Vector auto config corrector when I first installed the ORBX stuff. I just didn't notice, or forgot, that you have to rerun it if you disable and then re-enable something. So, yes, the corrected list was gone. Re-ran, and KSEA is fine.

29 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello wyndsan,

None of the problems you are having are new and they all have been answered

many many times already.

I would commend to you the search function of these forums which is quite effective

and should lead you to the answers quickly.


Nick - I assumed this to be true, and did do some searching. The problem with searches, especially when you are new to a field, is they don't yield any information because you don't yet know the terminology of that field that describes what you are seeing, or the problem you are having. I.e., the learning curve. My careers (semi-conductor research and process engineering, then tech transfer (primarily for NASA), have been very search engine dependent. But every time you move into a totally new tech area, the learning curve for the terminology for that field starts over. A search of "Highway traffic in gate area" doesn't yield much.


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I would have suggested the icao code for any airport problems, followed by perhaps a one word

description, such as elevation.

"KSEA elevation" for example produces 187 results, with the answer you wanted on the first page,

several times.

"Road traffic on taxiway" produces results from which you can take the answer to your other question.


I agree that it does take time to learn the terms and also that it is sometimes difficult to find the answer.

I would only suggest that you will find the answers to the most common questions this way and not have to wait

for someone else to answer or do the search for you.

By all means continue to post support questions if you cannot find the answers any other way.

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May I ask is the above screenshot from KRDU?  Which gate off hand do you remember?  I've hunted around my version of KRDU and I have no traffic on the taxiways, tarmacs, etc.  My version of KRDU is the LatinVFR version, btw.

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59 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

May I ask is the above screenshot from KRDU?  Which gate off hand do you remember?  I've hunted around my version of KRDU and I have no traffic on the taxiways, tarmacs, etc.  My version of KRDU is the LatinVFR version, btw.


Stewart - I had just discovered, purchased, downloaded, and was installing the LatinVFR KRDU version when I read your post. Mine was a 12 year old version that was put together by a guy when RDU had just released plans for the reconstruction of the old terminal C. Just got done testing the LatinVFR version, and it solves everything. I love it.


Only problem I have with it (other than it taxes my frame rate and I've got a pretty fast setup) is I cannot see the PAPI lights until I'm almost to the runway, and then not well. Before I could see them clearly almost out to Jordan Lake. Do you have any problem with that in your version? (I was coming in on runway 5L).


Anyway, thanks to all.

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Hi, wyndsan!

Oh, well, I'll have to check.  I just took off from KRDU, as part of looking for the issues you were having, and on my way to Memphis, TN.  But I'll take a look and let you know.  Your rig is somewhat more robust than mine, so I don't know why you would have frame rate problems.  Then again, I don't fly tubeliners, only GA or business turboprops, in case that's a possible reason for your low fps.

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I was able to see the PAPI lights for 5L about 5-6 miles out on final to KRDU.  The place was very busy--ATC had to tell two slow pokes to go around.  I was fourth for landing, but ended up 2nd, and no serious fps issues, no stutters, etc.



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