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Scenery is not displaying properly

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I just purchased the AU scenery pack and I'm not sure it's working. I was expecting big things, almost realistic scenery and what I have is a far cry from that. When I'm flying along around Sydney from the airport to the city there are cars driving on the water. As I get closer areas that were water turn to land and then back to water again. There are cars driving along what should be roads but are open green strips. The houses seem flat and squished.....I unticked all the FTX scenery and started the game again.....looks much better, maybe only the harbour bridge is better in the FTX version. Obviously I must have done something wrong but I can't see what it could be the installation process seems pretty straight forward using your app.




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Hi David, welcome to the forums,


Please apply the below procedure,


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)
Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.
Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.
Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".
Then run the "Force Migration" option.
Finally Click on the "Clear Temp" button.





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Doug thanks heaps for the suggestions mate. I'll give them a try a little later on this evening. I have attached a screen shot to kind of demonstrate what I am talking about. Also attached is what my settings in FTX look like. My installation of FSX:SE is vanilla. I have not installed any third party add ons, except for the Orbx AU scenery package and the Caloundra airport. Are the FTX settings correct? And yes there was a big blue message about updating library files.....doh!!


FTX settings.PNG

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3 hours ago, Duddsy said:

Are the FTX settings correct?


Yes these look correct, so if you install the libraries the tools buttons at the bottom should turn blue and then you can run the "Force Migration" and you should be all good to go.

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Yep just finished doing that and at first glance all those glitches seem to have disappeared and everything seems to be operating correctly. Thanks heaps for the advice Doug. It's very much appreciated.

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Sorry to ask so many questions Doug. But one quirk that I've noticed since installing the scenery and the airport is that now when I use the throttle to accelerate for take off my plane(s) (i've tried a few) all spin around in circles to the right. Using the yaw control on my joystick which used to control steering on the ground doesn't seem to work. I don't see how the scenery pack could be causing this behaviour, but just thought I'd ask the question to see if you knew what to check. I know it's a bit off topic.



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No worries, this is a good question to post in the "Tips and Tricks" subforum, but I would start by going into the simulators control settings screen and do some exploring there. Also keep in mind that Google can be your best friend. :)





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  • 5 months later...

This has been happening to me as well from a couple of weeks. I tried the steps above with no luck. I have:


  • FTX Global Base
  • FTX openLC NA
  • FTX Global Vector
  • REX4
  • Toposim Mexico
  • And a bunch of Mexico sceneries

I noticed that @Doug Sawatzky mentioned putting the add-on scenery at the very top which I did,  however there are many other entries called ORBX not FTX so I'm not sure if it meant above those as well. Attaching pictures of my scenery order and also of the glitches/issues on the ground. I did noticed that the ORBX vector entries are way below all other stuff... not sure if that matters.


It used to look good, I stopped using the sim for some months (work overload) and then ran several updates in FTX central, FSX (by steam means of course), Windows, Drivers etc, to keep everything up to date, then I started noticing these weird textures.


I'm thinking on re-installing everything but it's a PITA, besides, this may be a simple issue so any guidance would be greatly appreciated :D









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Please try this


and if that doesn't work:

Go to ORBX\User documents\Version and delete FTX_OLC_NA.TXT and if you see it,


Then run FTX Central, Open LC NA will show as not installed.

Select install product and FTX Central will check all the files and replace them as necessary.

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