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Vector Installation Not Working

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Okay, so I purchased Vector yesterday and tried to install it via FTX Central. I clicked on download and even after six hours the download kept stopping around 74% even though I had a constant internet connection. So then I tried to download the .zip version directly through my browser but when I opened FTX Central again to extract from the .zip file nothing happens. Or to be more specific, the yellow progress meter moves all the way to the right but FTX still says it's not installed and keeps trying to download at 0 kb/sec and stays stuck at 74%. I have tried to clear unfinished downloads but that seems to have no effect as each time I re-open FTX it still tries to download Vector again. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

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Hi, welcome to the forums,


Maybe best to start over by using the below process,


Unselect the multi thread download option in FTXC3 settngs.
Click on the blue Vector uninstall button.   
Click on the "Clear Temp" button under the FTXC3 settings, then go to your FSX\ORBX\ folder and delete the entire FTX_VECTOR folder, then go to the FSX\ORBX\User Documents\Versions folder and delete the FTX_GLOBAL_VECTOR_PACK.txt file.
Now to reinstall, sign in to your Orbx Direct account on the web page, and click on the account button top of page, then find and click on the Vector product info, and in the bottom line small print there is a manual download option, down load it and save it in a named folder, then open FTXC3 and select Vector, and click on the orange "installation options" and select "Install from my manually downloaded .zip".





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