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FTX Central is not activating any scenery

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Hi all


I have just bought a new PC and decided to treat myself to the full Orbx package (Global, Vector, Europe, NZ-SI, NZ-NI, Australia and a couple of airports.)


FTX Central 3 downloads the products, then tells me they have been installed, but they clearly haven't. The files are all there (in FSX/ORBX) but in the scenery library nothing has been added.


I have tried to manually activate all the folders of the NZ-NI folder, but when I do so I get strange errors where the scenery tiles blend into each other and pop in and out of view depending on where you look from.


It seems FTX central is unable to edit the FSX.cfg file to add the sceneries to the library, yet thinks this has been done successfulyl and doesn't allow me to re-download or re-install.


Any help would be appreciated. I have just convinced my wife that spending all this money on scenery is a good idea. Now it would be great if it would actually work.


I give you the transaction number for Open LC Europe:  591982e013ff3  as proof of being a valid product.


Many thanks.






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Hi Stefan, welcome to the forums,


Please apply the below procedure,


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.

Finally Click on the "Clear Temp" button.

Then, there is a Vector control panel access button at the bottom of the FTXC3 settings page. When you open it you can select the amount of road coverage etc, be sure to uncheck the "Frozen Surface (in winter only)"option, then go to the Airport Elevation Correction (AEC tool) tab and run the auto configuration process and be sure to click on "Appy" when it is done scanning.




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Hi Doug


Thanks for the quick reply.


I think I have found the problem. You mentioned FTXLibs. According to FTX Central they were installed and up to date, however when I started FSX and looked into the scenery library it wasn't there. I re-downloaded it and made sure it was activated in the scenery library. Now everything seems to work ok. 


The only exception is Open LC Europe. I will re-download and re-install that to see if it fixes the problem. After that I can finally get started with all the airports and put them on top of everything.


Is there a reason why FTX Central is not activating scenery in FSX? Could it be anti-virus software or somethjng? The paths all seem correct.


Many thanks.





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I wonder if FTX Central is writing to a scenery.cfg file that FSX-SE is not reading?

Can you go to C:\programdata\Microsoft and check if you have an FSX folder and an

FSX-SE folder, or perhaps only an FSX-SE folder?

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I only have an FSX folder. Nothing else. I have only ever had FSX-SE installed on this PC.


I am toying with the idea of FSW, but we will see.


LCEurope installed now, although I did get an error message at the end that it didn't install properly. However, FTX Central shows it as installed and I took a quick look and it all looks to be in order.


Time to download all the airports now.


I hope that will be the end of that :-)


Thanks again



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