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FSX splash screen freezes after Orbx (large) install

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Just did a complete, clean install of Windows, FSX and orbx a couple of days ago on a newly formatted machine. But when I launched FSX initially, it informed me that it was indexing scenery changes which happened fairly quickly, twice, and then the FSX screen just hung after that. FSX shows "not responding" in task manager. The first time it happened, I let it "run" all night thinking some enormous indexing activity might be happening but still no response in the morning.


Ever since then, before running FSX, I go to file manager and rename my ORBX directory under FSX as ORBX1. When FSX fires up, it gives me a scenery file error, at which point I rename ORBX1 back to ORBX and click OK to the FSX error and get another rebuilding indexes message before, within a minute, the FSX:SE HOME displays and I can fly as normal. Following these steps (primarily renaming ORBX folder and renaming it back) is the only way I can get FSX to launch successfully.


Here are the only two items of note that I can think of:


#1: I'm running FSX:SE on a Steam Library created on an external 7200RPM USB 3 5TB drive. I've got an i7 processor, 16GB RAM and Win10 on local SSD on this machine. This is a new setup for me so not entirely sure how it should "feel" loading FSX. But, once running, performance is great.


#2: With the much improved FTX Central (nice job to those folks!), I queued up all my product (much more than in my ancient sig) in one batch and downloaded it in one pass. Presumably, there is a lot of indexing to be done after that. But that doesn't explain (to me at least) why simply creating a scenery error (renaming ORBX to ORBX1) would skip over the need for a completed index. But I frankly don't know why any of this works and just grateful I found a way.


I'm hoping someone might be able to offer me an explanation for the above and/or a better way...




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Getting some errors after doing a mass install is not surprising, and usually the fix is to just reinstall the scenery area that was showing the error. Renaming the ORBX folder would only add more errors as this would tell FSX to ignore the scenery in this folder and resort to the default only. So I would recommend keeping your ORBX folder properly named as it is, then go to your C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX folder and delete the entire "SceneryIndexes" folder and restart FSX and it will rebuild a new one. If you have any scenery errors on start after this, then take note of which area it is referring to and zero in on it for a reinstall. :)





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