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Australia Vector question

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Since I have Australia as a region, I was wondering if it has its own Vector included in it like some other regions.


Will it show any difference with it on or off?  And I am not at the PC right now, but if my memory serves me wasn't there a setting in Vector's settings about Australia or something?


Thanks Again



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18 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Yes, that's right, Jack.  There's a tab which allows you to tick a box that indicates you have the Australia region.

Thanks Stew!  So do you see any difference with it on or off?

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Before the Vector update, yes.  It was always necessary to disable Vector if you wanted to fly in AU, so I did so.  Sometimes there was odd stuff happening that didn't look right, such as a river looked goofy or some such.  Now I don't have to disable Vector since the update.

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Just now, Stewart Hobson said:

Before the Vector update, yes.  It was always necessary to disable Vector if you wanted to fly in AU, so I did so.  Sometimes there was odd stuff happening that didn't look right, such as a river looked goofy or some such.  Now I don't have to disable Vector since the update.

Thanks Stew!  Just flew around Coffs.  Very nice.



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5 minutes ago, Stewart Hobson said:

I just rediscovered my Carenado Cessna F406, so have been flying around places.  So maybe I'll try Coffs--haven't been there in awhile.  ;)

Uploading screens in a few minutes.  It's beautiful!


And, I upgraded my NVIDIA driver to the latest only after watching the comments at the PMDG forum as well as FSL.  Seems this is a huge VAS leak stopper and my frames are even better!

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1 minute ago, Stewart Hobson said:

As you know, I don't fly P3D, so I don't think the lastest driver(s) would do me any good.  But I'm open to persuasion!  :)

They're not meant for P3D, they're meant for all NVIDIA cards that can use it, so since FSX uses VAS I would imagine it would help.  A VAS leak is a VAS leak in any program from Word to Halo right?  I dunno.

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Yeah, but I'm still using a GTX770 and the driver I have now works fine.  Y'know, if it works don't fix it.  Some driver updates in the past don't seem to play well with my particular graphics card, as old as it is.  Oh, well.  Gonna go fly ysch-->ystw-->ypmq-->ysch to see how it looks.

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I still have an issue flying Orbx Australia while vector is on. Loaded a flight from Melbourne to find heaps of parkland in the suburbs and things generally not where they should be. Ive ticked the orbx Aus box in my vector settings. Am I doing something wrong?

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Hi, there!  If you're getting strange landclass tiles where they shouldn't be, I don't believe that's a Vector problem.  There's a post by Holger Sandmann and referenced by Nick Cooper someplace about how to solve this.  I would help, but I'm flying atm.  Sorry.

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