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I uninstalled FTX, downloades SP3 all four regions.

Noted they did not appear in the scenery library, so manually installed them.

FTX seems to come up well, though Fishermans Island near YBBN appears to have totally and wrongly changed.

Shut down FSX.  Used FTX central to turn FTX off, Validated UTX, watched what appeared to be the expected rebuild of the scenery list, flew out of Victoria International, nothing changed.  The sea and islands remain converted into a landmass.

Pressed escape, then checked the scenery library again, and all FTX and UTX entries had disappeared.

There seems to be quite fundamental problem.  Is it possible to resolve this from within the add-on folders, or am I looking at a full reinstallation of UTX and FTX ...  and may be FSX.

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I must correct my own post.

I now understand that the FTX entries are removed from the Scenery Library when FTX is turned off.

The UTX entries are in place.

However even validating and flushing the Library entries still leaves the original problem unchanged.  Even doing everything by the book leaves the land-sea problem in UTX unaltered.

Do I need to reinstall UTX?

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Hi Ian

The usual method is to do the following: turn FTXcentral to Default and then re-run the UTX setup application, then run FTXcentral and switch back to Australia

not having any UTX products myself I am unable to comment further but the above works well for others: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=13357.0

see if that helps



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You don't need to set FTX to default to fly in other parts of the world. The only time you'd do that is to disable FTX in Australia so you can take before/after comparison shots of FTX versus default.

In fact, things work better if you just leave FTX set to Australia (or soon, North America).

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The problem was overcome!!

Holger's Victoria and Victoria Plus were the culprits.  Turn them off and there is no longer a false landmass where there should be sea between islands.

I don't know whether this suggests that PNW FTX should ensure that there is no similar conflict with UTX.

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Victoria and Victoria Plus are not the culprits...

Your terrain.cfg file is the culprit.

Something didn't work when you installed those add-ons.

I have them installed and they work fine.

You need to keep a close eye on your terrain.cfg and keep backups of working versions...

I speak from experience...

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Thanks Toby, I take your point.  It certainly was not a problem for me before SP3.  So, somewhere in the uninstallation of the earlier versions and the installation of the SP3 a corruption has occured.  Could you post your terrain cfg file, because at the moment I couldn't tell what is a 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' file. 

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FTX Central is not FTX mode; they work differently.

FTX Central does *not* corrupt your terrain.cfg file. It merely checks for and adds the Orbx custom entries to it, nothing less, nothing more. If UTX entries were there before FTX is installed, it does not mess with them or touch them.

However, if you've used the old FTX Mode *after* FTX Central then yes, there's a chance the terrain.cfg gets replaced with the old Orbx one. That is why you should not mix old Pre-SP3 downloaded regions with the SP3 DVD or the new SP3 certified regions.

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Yes, that's my experience now.  But get rid of that old on/off icon.  In fact I uninstalled the previous version totally.  Be careful read John's sticky on this, it doesn't uninstall in the normal way.

As to why Victoria + is corrupting UTX I can't work out, and in fact I have decided not to spend any time on it.

I will wait for FTX Pacific Northwest to come out, and hopefully sit it on top of UTX - which I want for the rest of Canada and the USA - it beats the default totally and is a quality product.

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