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Rapid Ground Texture Morphing fix not working


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Hello.  Please forgive the length of this post, I wanted to give you as much info as possible in hopes that you can solve this problem.

I had downloaded the Iceland and Olympic Peninsula demo downloads,  I flew and enjoyed the Peninsula, hadn't yet made it to Iceland (I only get a little time to Sim on weekends so it takes a while).


A couple weekends ago on a trip from DFW to SAN I came across the ground texture morphing problem in San Diego.  North Island naval air station was a mess of changing textures, often water where land should be.  I had a freeware SAN installed with photo textures, and Aerosoft Mega Scenery Los Angeles (which doesn't reach as far south as San Diego, but maybe it interfered).  The textures for the freeware SAN airport were fine though.

I uninstalled everything in the area (Orbx demo scenery, freeware SAN and Mega Scenery Los Angeles) and the problem persisted, and going to the microsoft default SAN the textures around the San Diego airport turned into the same mess as North Island, when I reinstalled the freeware SAN the airport went back to being good with the freewear textures.  I didn't go so far as manually deleted the Orbx folders or the complete uninstall process (really you folks should have a complete uninstaller in something so complicated).


I then reinstalled the iceland demo, (but not Olympic) problem persisted.  I then went through the fix process outlined in the FAQ post on resolving ground texture morphing (which exactly describes the problem) which is I created downloaded the terrain.cfg file and replaced the file in my main FSX folder (the instructions didn't say where the terrain.cfg would be so I hope that is the right one, it looked like it), and re-ran Orbx central.  Note that your write up said the replacement Terrain.CFG would be in \ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Work folder.  There was no work folder in the FTX Central Folder, so I used the link at the bottom of the write up to download the replacement Terrain.cfg file and replaced the one in my FSX folder.  The problem remained.  I checked that the Orbx entries are at the correct place in the correct place (below the last add on airport, but above the default airports, with land class Europe below the other FTX entries).


I checked other airports, and it looked like I had the same problems in default airports in Southern California (BUR, Santa Monica, etc).  FS dreamteam LAX textures were fine. The Phoenix area default airports had the same problem. I checked out San Francisco area and Seattle and those default airports were fine, not sure why it is hitting some areas and not others.


I tried a few more things hoping I would hit the right  combination I then reinstalled both Iceland and Olympic, no help.  After that reinstall I gain replaced the terrain.cfg file.  Nothing.  Lastly I tried reinstalling Aerosoft mega city Los Angeles, this program has an involved installer reaching several files so I suspect that somehow this might be  part of the problem, but if so reinstalling it did not help.  It did fix the problems with the LA area default airports because it put it its own photo real textures in place of default, but was no help with North Island, or the Phoenix area airports which continued to morph.

I don’t that I know of have any add other add ons that do a global texture change like Orbx (no ultimate terrain), I have an FS genesis product (world mesh which I don’t think has much impact in North America, it was meant to bring the rest of the world to North America mesh standards), and many add on airports, a few add on cities (LAX, a freeware Boston).  My Traffic X.


My next step is to try to completely uninstall all traces of Orbx (which sounds harder than it should be but I’ll look for instructions on the FAQ of your website).

If that doesn’t work I’m down to a complete reinstall of FSX and all my add ons.  Of course that is a very time consuming process which I sure hope to avoid.

I know you might not be inclined to help someone who has only used free demos, but of course the purpose of a demo is to win a customer, and I was on my way to being one until this happened, and would hope you can find a fix to get me back on the buy side.  Also if I’m having this problem there may be others who have and haven’t gone to the trouble.


Attached are screen shots of:  North Island, in this picture you can also see the SAN freeware textures which are fine, Burbank (before I reinstalled Aerosoft Mega City Los Angeles which fixed this one), and Scottdale Arizona.  Of course I'm happy to share any other info.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kevin


Please try this,


Ensure the Orbx Libs are installed and up to date. (is there a blue notification above the settings button in FTXC3?)

Ensure all of your 3rd party addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".

Then run the "Force Migration" option.

Finally Click on the "Clear Temp" button.

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Yes, tried those steps thanks.


Also tried again to uninstall and reinstall the demos, and then the steps above again, and the Holger Sandmann Morphing fix again.  Nothing worked, the problem continued whether the demos were installed or uninstalled and after I replaced the terrain.cfg with the original from the Orbx website. 


I looked at the FAQ for uninstalling and I don't think the demos are fully uninstalled just by hitting the uninstall button, and I didn't try the steps to uninstall the Orbx library which doesn't have an uninstaller. 


I will be traveling next weekend so won't get a chance to work on it,   but if the folks at Orbx don't respond in another week then the weekend of May 6 I'll try to do a clean uninstall of Orbx following their FAQ for complete uninstall and see if that cures it, if not I'll do some more hunting for Orbx remnants through other forums and see if I can clean it up.  Failing that mid May might mean a clean re-install of FSX and all the add-ons except Orbx.  Hope not but we will see.



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On a couple default airports that I know had problems that fix did seem to work.  I didn't have time to check thoroughly and won't until next weekend, but this quick look was encouraging, thank you.  I will watch the other post for the permanent fix.





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