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FTX Global / Trees stuck in summer...

Mark Leith

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Hello all, first time posting here!


Transaction ID: 58511d9c8b590


I've ran into a bit of trouble with my FTX global textures for P3D V3... It would seem they are a little bit all over the place. Fields in places im sure they aren't supposed to be there. Furthermore in winter (when you expect the textures to be all non vibrant etc) the ground textures seem to be stuck in summer.. The screenshot here can hopefully show this! All was working fine with FTX Global and FTX Trees until I downloaded / installed all of the freeware scenery from ORBX. (I do have FTX Scotland installed but this seems to be in winter textures when I ask it to be)... After installing these it seems to be summer all the time! I've tried uninstalling all my ORBX products but it still refers back to the all time summer textures... This screenshot is above Leeming in England for information... Hopefully someone can help me.


Thanks in advance!



FTX error.jpg

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I'm not sure what I am seeing in your picture, this is what FTX Global looks like there

for me, maybe mine is broken.

This FSX but I need EU Wales or Open LC Europe to place the village, if that's what I can see.

Both of them have the spring textures on 10th March with yellow fields of oilseed rape.







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