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Is this the correct Library Order??


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Making sure if I have PNW in the right order in my FSX scenery.       









and so on and so on with the normal areas in FSX at the very bottom of the list is DEFAULT SCENERY AND DEFAULT TERRAIN.  Thankyou, just trying to make it look good like it does in the screenshots thankyou!!!


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That depends on the size of your wallet!! Most would suggest Nvidia 1080 as the one but they are still very expensive to the average person I would suggest. I use a 780 and have no complaints but we are entering the VR era, 64 bit era etc so it would be prudent to get as a minimum a 1060 or above.

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That's what I've been seening is the 1080, certainly not cheap, VR looks like alot of fun but don't know if it's worth the money with upgrades to support, I'm thinking of leaning towards the 780, seems it would be just fine and for the price.

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With nvidia GPU the "80" in the product name is usually indicating the highest version and therefore the best version of that series.

Personally I have had no problem with the 780 and the prices are now very reasonable. Try looking at a 980 for any bargains out there as it would be better still and if you are not interested in VR then it will meet your needs for quite a while.

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