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Excluding openLC airport objects

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Seems that ORBX is not allowing exclusion rectangles at their airports, specifically within FTX Global OpenLC North America. Checked the order of scenery loading and it's good to go with my addon scenery folder at the top of the food chain. Also, I am able to exclude airport buildings/objects in Rome. Trees and vegetation CAN be excluded anywhere in the world so I'm guessing my problem is limited to actual objects and not autogen.


I typically use Instant Scenery 3 to exclude objects with no problems. The airports I've been tweaking are in the United States. I can add objects all day long and make any other runway and additions, modifications with no problem but trying to exclude....no joy.


My sim is P3D V3.4.9.18400

I've got ORBX Global and Global OpenLC North America

Windows 10


Any ideas? Thanks. 



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