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Uninstall FSX Box To Install Orbx On Steam?

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Hello ... I have the box version of FSX installed on my computer and I have FSX steam installed too.  I would like to install Orbx scenery in steam, but I am only given the option of FSX or Par3D.  Is there a way to install Orbx on steam with the box version of FSX installed or will I have to completely uninstall the box FSX in order to add Orbx scenery to steam?:huh:  Thank you for reading my post.:lol:

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You should be able to install OrbX scenery into FSX-SE, even with the DVD (FSX) version installed. I had what they term 'parallel installs' for months, mainly for testing performance. I did have the same problem as you describe (initially), in that FSX-SE wasn't recognised as an option: There was a registry fix tool if I remember correctly, but things might have moved on since the intro of Central V3.


Anyway, I'm sure someone will walk you through it, but no need to uninstall FSX :).



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Hi mate. I apologise for not getting back to you sooner.


Anyway, you might notice that my first post has been edited? The reason being, I added a link to the thread that eventually solved my problem. The link mentioned a registry 'fix' tool:


"I then located the RegistryFixTool.exe file  found in C:\Users\<username>\Appdata\Local\Orbx\FTXCentral"


But, on checking that folder I couldn't see any signs of that tool. It seems things have changed a little, and that's why I deleted the link to the post :D. My registry wasn't 'broken', because most of my other addons were locating FSX-SE just fine, so it was a bit of a head-scratcher for a time! However, on running the tool, it was simply a case of steering it to FSX-SE and thereafter all was well.


The question now being, if the tool is no longer in the AppData\Local\Orbx\FTXCentral folder, where is the little blighter? That's kinda why I was hoping someone would have leapt in before now! Also, bear in mind that my issue was right back in the day when FSX-SE was a pretty recent introduction, so I'm sure the process will be (by now) a lot simpler :D (it took bloody ages to sort mine!).


It might be worth reposting in the FSX Steam Edition forum, but in the meantime I'd have a hunt around in the FTX Catacombs to see if you can find it in Central V3 or the Orbx root folder?


Cheers, Mike. 



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Howdy ... I have the box FSX install, but I want to install orbx scenery in the steam edition.  However I am not given the option to go to steam, just the box version or Par3D.  Is there some kind of tool that will allow me to install the scenery in steam without having to uninstall the box version?:huh:


Thank you for reading my post. :lol:

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The Orbx Registry Fix tool does not work unless FTX Central v2 is installed.

Fir this reason it is not included in version 3 and is not present on the PC.


Depending on your installer versions, it may not be possible to install to the Steam Edition

regardless of the registry entries.

What colour are the installer backgrounds, or ideally, can you post a screen shot of one of

the installers that has run as far as it can?




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The one poster thought it would be better to talk to folks in the steam forum, that is why I went there.  Any way you can move this thread there?  The background of the installer is white.  It's the FTX setup box.  Has "Options" "Select an option and click Next to continue." ... "Please select which version you wish to install:  Microsoft Fight Simulator X (FSX) Lockheed Martin Prepar3D (P3D)"  with Back Next and Cancel buttons at the bottom.  Thank you for reading my post.:)

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You will not be able to use those installers to install to the FSX Steam Edition with FSX boxed already installed..

At the moment, there is no option to update your DVD products to download versions,

which can be installed into FSX Steam Edition with the FSX boxed edition already installed.

There will be, I am assured and hopefully soon.

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I checked the registry key for the 64 bit because I am running win7 64 ... I don't know if it is correct.  I see the path listed and it is showing the path to steam in my registry.  I didn't see any instructions on editing the key or am I just suppose to look to see if the entry is there?  Can you clarify on this?:huh:

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