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FSX - Win 10 Upgrade


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Hi guys

I remember reading a while ago that there were issues between FSX and Win 10? I didnt really take a lot of notice as I was happy with Win 7. I may now have to upgrade and I am asking has these issues sorted themselves out? Or are there still problems?

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Running the FSX Steam edition with Steve's DX10 fixer in 2D and FlyInside in VR, all works fine here. When Win10 first came out there were lots of issues with drivers (I had a lot of trouble with my sound card), but that all seems to have settled down now. I don't think they have nailed power management very well yet, as my PC refuses to sleep much. That's mostly my own fault though with all the peripherals I have plugged in.

DX10 fixer+OrbX is wonderful for FSX.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Nick

I operate FSX Acceleration under Windows 10.

I have been experiencing a lot of OOM issues which as you can see from my system specs, I should not be having (??).

I have not taken notice of this uiautomationcore.dll fix previously as I have not had any Central V3 problems.

I have uiautomationcore.dll in my windows 10 system32 folder. It's File Version is 7.2.14393.479

I do not have and never have had uiautomationcore.dll in my FSX root folder.

I have downloaded Nick's version 6.0.5840.16386 but this would appear to be an older version given the file version that I have?

1. Would this process be beneficial to assisting prevention of OOM issues (given no other causes, which is unlikely)?

2. Does one need to have this file in both places or should I install in FSX root and delete the file from System32?

3. If so is it correct to presume that both files should be the same version i.e. 7.2.14393.479 which I think is the latest version?

Thanking you in advance.

Cheers  Dan


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Hi Dan,


Nick is not watching this Topic at present, you might not receive a response.

The primary reason to place the (Vista version) UIAutomationCore.dll into the FSX root folder is to prevent FSX Menu bar CTD's.


Some questions you need to ask yourself with regard to UIAutomationCore.dll insertion into the FSX root folder.

  • Are you experiencing FSX Menu bar crashes (CTD)? If not then the placement of this WinVista version will not be necessary in FSX/Win10. If yes then this file can be useful to prevent such FSX Menu bar CTD's. Some users have even found it un-necessary to install the Vista version into the FSX root folder with FSX/Win10, as many Win10 users have found the old (WinVista, Win7) menu bar crash (CTD) is nolonger occurring under FSX/Win10.
  • The UIAutomationCore.dll in your \System32 folder is the GUI handler for the rest of your OS and other related OS programs it will be the Win10 version, you should not mess with this file, nor delete it from that location. Removal of this file from \System32 will cause no end of systemwide headaches. If you have removed this file running of SFC /SCANNOW (System File Checker) (CMD as admin) may restore the System32 correct version for Win10 to its proper location in the \System32 folder.
  • The UIAutomationCore.dll  file placed into the FSX root folder has only one purpose, that is to prevent FSX Menu Bar CTD when continuous access and clicking on items in the Menu, might or does cause CTD.
  • The UIAutomationCore.dll has no bearing on FTXCentral or potential CTD of FTXC. It is specifically for preventing the FSX simulator from Crashing from the Menu bar. 
  • Preventative Menu Bar CTD version of UIAutomationCore.dll is a WinVista version (Only placed in the FSX root folder). UIAutomationCore.dll in \System32 is installed by your operating system Win10 (Win7), they are different versions and should remain as such in their respective locations.
  • The UIAutomationCore.dll has no bearing on VAS / OOM 32bit Virtual Address Space. 32bit program VAS is what it is. Lower your settings.  Do not use 4096 TML Hi res texture, TML 1024 or 2048 are more appropriate. Reduce your AI aircraft traffic / & cars boats ships, reduce Airport ground vehicles to "Minimum", lower your water effects (mid 2x), reduce your Autogen slider "Normal" or "Dense", minimise the cloud complexity and viewing distance, choose a weather theme that is forgiving when flying into or over complex scenery or airfields. If OOM's occur early after loading into complex scenery... and you are unwilling to reduce your settings, try to not fly at Dusk or Dawn your system may have difficulty at the transitional time of day where both day and night textures are both loaded to varying degrees.



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Thanks Jeff, brilliant stuff !!!!    Yes my CTD's have in fact been when changing items thru the top menu i.e. changing views, using map to spawn etc. Two funny old things this FSX and Windows 10; nothing is the same for all users:rolleyes:. Again many thanks. Dan

PS: Maybe a sticky?

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