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Tried ORBX Iceland, got only blurred textures

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I want to ask about ORBX Iceland Demo. I got a new PC, so I wanted to try ORBX. But it let me down as I got a lot of blurry textures. I got them everywhere in the sim, but I thought, that addon will repair it as the default textures can be bad. But to my surprise, I have blurred textures and it looks like I fly over mud. Any idea, if this is normal? I tried tweaking, but it did a little help. I tried AffinityMasks, Fiber time fraction, LOD radiuses, MipBiases, etc. I run Nvidia Inspector set as I found on the internet and nothing helped.

My specs:

i7 6700, GTX1070, 16GB RAM, FSX:SE installed on Samsung 850 EVO


Here is how it looks:

ORBX Iceland










Thank you very much for some help

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Hello and welcome to the forums.


I don't think there is anything wrong with the installation of your Iceland demo.

Considering what you are doing, the screen shots look pretty good.

Try these suggestions.

Remove all the tweaks from your fsx.cfg file except for Highmemfix.

Disable ground scenery shadows which eat resources and don't work properly anyway.

Set your frame rate to 31 instead of unlimited.

Reduce your water effects to Low 2x.

If you want to fly low, slow down.

Pick an aircraft that is good for 150 knots or so.

Or fly very high in your fast airliner.



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I have much the same spec's as you.  Nick is on song as he always is. I had to bring water effects slider low x2, Most of my shadows are off as I really didn't need them and moved another couple (can't remember what now) of sliders down a click or two, not much, just a smidgen.  I only install Orbx products. My last computer I had all these so called goodies and advertised as a must have just slowed my computer down and frankly did nothing.


Steam has a sale on at the moment.  Unless it says Orbx, I left it well alone.  Everything is working as I dreamed  with that approach. But I am a GA flier all the same.


Good luck, and listen to these moderators.



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