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How do I completely uninstall CAC8

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I've recently had to remove the freeware Nanaimo seaplane base because it was causing poor performance (at one time I was down to 0.9 fps in Nanaimo harbour itself).


I was able to piece together the uninstallation procedure from several posts, but I'm still getting the following error when I start FSX:


SCENERY.CFG file error. Local scenery diretory (ORBX\FTX_AA_CAC8\SCENERY) in scenery Area.188 not found. Click Ok to continue.


Does anyone know how I correct this?




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Thanks Nick.


I've re named it off_scenerylib_CAC8.cfg for the time being.


That's because, if I were to be completely honest, I'd love to be able to keep the Nanaimo scenery if I could. And part of me wants to believe that I could somehow configure it to be a bit more frame rate friendly.


I don't know whether anyone else has had problems with CAC8. If do any advice on improving fps would be very gratefully received.




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Hi Pontius,


to uninstall CAC8 please proceed as follows:


In your scenery Control Panel in fsX delete the entry for CAC8


hit ok and let the scenery Dbase rebuild


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA and delete the FTX_AA_CAC8 folder


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts and delete the following files:





then right click and "run as Administrator" the FTXConfigurator.exe , you will not see anything happen as it is a silent application.


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents and delete the CAC8 User Guide.pdf


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents\Versions and delete the FTX_CA_CAC8.txt


fire up FTX Central and all entries to CAC8 should be gone


fire up your fsX and the "error message" should be gone

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