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Open LC EU and OOM


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Hi ORBX Staff/Community,


I've been happily using many of your sceneries for quite some time, and I want to prelude by saying "Keep up the outstanding work! It truly is remarkable".


I've had Open LC NA installed since the release, and it has been outstanding in its depiction of NA landscaping. Having had such a great time with Open LC NA, I've decided to give Open LC EU a try - and alas, this is where the issues began. Suddenly after installing Open LC EU I've been having OOM issues, especially when trying to cross the pond.


I have an outstanding computer, that has been able to handle even the most outfitted add ons with little difficulty (Built by Jetline Systems). So i'm shocked to be having this issue with such quality software and hardware.


A) Is there any assistance you all can offer me to ensure I can run both in harmony?

B ) Out of mere curiosity, how would one uninstall ORBX Open LC?


Thank you very much,



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Hello and welcome to the forums.


"OOM issues", your computer has run out of available memory, have nothing at all to do with the

specifications of the computer on which they occur and everything to do with the 4 GB limit on

Virtual Address Space that exists for 32 bit software running on a 64 bit system.

This limit is reduced to 2GB or 3GB with a modification for 32 bit software running on a 32 bit system.


You might indeed untick  ORBX!OPENLC_NAMERICA1 and ORBX!OPENLC_NAMERICA2 in your scenery library

and see if the problem goes away.

Otherwise, try reducing some other settings, autogen for example of which there is little point if flying at great height

and over water.

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Outstanding, this looks to have done the trick and i will most certainly reduce autogen when crossing the ocean.


@Doogles I'm using P3D V3 and made this trip in the PMDG777. However, i've made plenty of trips in the PMDG777 over the pond and i haven't had issues until after i installed the second Open LC (EU).


Thanks for the help, and warm welcoming.

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