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Open LC Europe not installing in FSX Stea


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I have a query regarding the use of FTX Central 2, I hope that is the appropriate forum.

Wish to use the following 3 products in FSX (Disk version) and FSX SE (Steam version) on the same Windows 10 computer.

FTX Global BASE                                FSS0322343

FTX Global VECTOR                                FSS0331455

FTX Global open LC EUROPE                FSS0331455

All 3 plus the ORBX librarys have been installed using FTX Central 2 into FSX (Disk) and FSX_SE (Steam) - the Disk version works correctly for UK & Schipol, FSX SE has a problem with much of Middle England shown as water, it seems from the following that Global  open LC Europe has not installed

The following Snippets show the contents of the Versions from FSX/ORBX/User Documents

a:    FSX DISK installed correctly


b: FSX SE versions missing


Following a search of the forum a copy of Terrain.cfg from FSX Disk was pasted to FSX SE and some improvement to the near views but still corrupt at distance.

This evening, suspecting a corruption in the earlier installer, a new download from FlightSimStore was obtained and was re-installed to FSX SE carefully to ensure correct selection of version to install, the following Snippet shows the files downloaded. Following the installation the Migration process was run from FTX Central 2, reportedly successful, however the window showed Drive F: the FSX Disk not Drive D: FSX SE being copied.

The Following Snippet shows the  LC Europe files


The amount of data in the Scenery files differs:

FSX Disk                15.3Gb                  Files 36803    Folders 246

FSX SE                   13.7Gb                  Files 33370    Folders 261

My system is Windows 10, 16Gb Ram, Steam on a SSD with 50Gb free space, FSX on a standard HDD

Please advise is there a quick  fix or point out my error(S) many thanks


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The answer to that is in the second to last line of the post.


Hello Howard,


Welcome to the forums.


When you installed to FSX-SE, I assume that you used the FSX Steam Edition installer?

I assume also that when you open FTX Central, it shows you an opening menu to choose

whether to run it for FSX or FSX-SE?


Though you seem to have mixed up the FSX and FSX-SE user documents shots,

it does seem that the OpenLC Europe hasn't installed into FSX-SE, though the presence

of user documents gives no indication as to the success or otherwise of the installation of

the files.

The total reported size of my 10 OpenLC EU folders is 18.1 GB.

Your shot of what you describe as LC Europe files shows the installer, what total size are

the installed 10 OpenLC EU folders in FSX?





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Hello Nick


Thank you both for your response - the total size of the 10 Open LC EU folders ( in the ORBX folder) is 18.089Gb my arithmetic is so rusty had to use a spreadsheet


I should have made it clear that the 18.089Gb was in the Steam folder and the same as the Disk folder.


Regards Howard

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You could have selected them all in Windows file explorer and then the properties tab and it does all

the work for you.:)


It seems then that the product installed correctly to FSX but you now want to install it to FSX-SE.

Do you see the option to select this when you run the installer and do you have the FTX Central start menu?

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Yes I've selected "FSX SE(in parallel with FSX Boxed) and when FTX Central has run used the trouble shooting option to run a migration.


The migration process Window shows repeated copying to my F: disk which is used for FSX Boxed but not the D: disk (FSX SE).


Thanks for reminding that Windows Explorer works at all levels - another senior moment!


Regards Howard

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Hello Nick


The FTX Registry fix tool shows two correct (as I expected) registry entries, the tool had to be directed to FSX SE - i.e it did not find it by searching the registry as I expected.


I wonder if the Trouble Shooting Diagnostic Reporter show up anything to me - say using MS Notepad - believe there is a note suggesting it should not be used freely?


I have installed to FSX SE a couple aircraft which are in FSX Disk - A2A Cessna 182 and Coronado Baron 58 - thinking these may have added scenery files there are 2 aircraft QW 146 which does not support Steam and JustFlight Dove & Devon PC Pilot demo cannot find the CD.


Thank you for your suggestions


Regards Derek

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