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[RESOLVED: Increase GA traffic slider to 100%] AU Traffic V2 problem


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I installed AU traffic V2 in a relatively recent FTX install with no other traffic packages previously installed. I am seeing traffic but I'm not sure it's what I should expect. John's video blog 3 suggests that traffic at YHBA is "manic" but I'm seeing only the occasional aircraft. Furthermore, the ATC voice says "YHBA traffic" not "Hervey Bay traffic" as per John's video. I'm wondering if I'm seeing default traffic, even though it appears to be turned off.

I've checked everything against Wolter's "Installing FTX AI Traffic" post and all seems correct.


Airline traffic  100%

GA traffic 0%

O/S is Windows 7 32 bit. FTX SP3 and SP3.001 are installed.

The AI Control window shows the default box as not ticked.

FTXAI_TRAFFIC is enabled in the Scenery Library and in the correct position.

../Scenery/World/Scenery/ folder looks like this:

Posted Image

Traffic when I start up at YHBA is typically like this (most of these are airborne and a long distance from YHBA itself):

Posted Image

I see these same aircraft if I switch to default. So it would seem to me that I'm getting the default traffic even when FTX AI is switched on.

One unusual feature of my system is that I have another copy of FTX installed on the same drive under Windows XP. There's never been been any conflict between the two before but I thought I should mention it since there's mention in another thread of conflicts with FS9.


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Hi Greg,

please check in your fsX.cfg file if entry #6 is added :


User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter








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I am running Vista, and having a real problem finding my FSX.cfg (any hints gratefully received). Is there another way to confirm the running of V2 traffic. Since I have FSX default disabled, in the AI control panel, isn't any ai traffic confirmation? I initially loaded in V2 and saw no ai traffic, uninstalled, reinstalled and had traffic.

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Grumman, what I am seeing in you reference information above looks fine. The 5 aircraft you are seeing listed under 'Air Traffic' are all from the FTX AI traffic pack. While those particular aircraft do not actually stop at Hervey Bay, (they are passing by) others will at some time during the day.

In addition to the FTX AI Traffic pack, there are 9 GA AI aircraft placed at Hervey Bay in a dedicated AI traffic file and while most will be seen with a GA Traffic setting of 50%, you will have all 9 at any setting above 75%.

The FSX default ATC sound file did not include the airport names and call signs for many Australian airports and airlines. We are working on correcting this by adding many of the main ones relative to the various airport and traffic packs released by Orbx. John has a beta of that modified sound file which is what you heard in his Hervey Bay video.

All looks good Greg, put your traffic sliders up and go and enjoy your simming.

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