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HELP: open lc Europe installation problem

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Hi evrybody

I hope you will be able to help me.

i have downloaded FTX Global openLC Europe whithout any problem. There is 4 downloads. It went to the file suggested in the installation unwrapper. When In file 4 I pressed on the application file it started to install. After a certain time I received the message "Pleas insert disk #2 Of the files on this disk cannot be found on another location,for example on another drive enter the full path or click the Browse button to select the path"

in the window path there is a path indicated. When I click OK I get the following message:

"Setup cannot open the following archive file ( You may have inseted the wrong disk)

C:\user\ claudedecarie\AppData\Local\Temp\F7A90BA3-2DA8-4F7C-A007-165953A1407D\OrbxFTXO openLCEurope120.2"


if I go to this path this file is there but it is EMPTY as are the files 120.3 and the other one.

Please I need your help or a refund.



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Hi Guys

Thanks for your response and help.

but I need a little bit more explanations. I am not a techie

All the files were automatically sent on my C drive in a file called Users \Downloads\Compressed.

 In tha file I see the followin files :






The content of Part4 and Part4.zip appears ro be the same.

what do I have to do now.? Create a new file and consolidate the content of the above files in that new file , then press the application I find in files Part4 or Part4.zip?

Thanks in advance for your precious help.

I am desperate and have a nice day.




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Hi Guys sorry to come back so soon.

The installation window also ask to open FSX Central to set it to Global .

How do I do that. I do not seem to have that. I have FSX Global but Central?

It says it will open itselsf and I have to close it after but it does not open automatically???

Help please


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Did you get the .zip files properly extracted into a new separate folder? This is a basic process that you will need to learn to do, Google is your best friend :)






Put all the extracted files into the same folder...

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Hi Doogles

Thanks again.
So it seems that the spproach that I have suggested seems to be correct. Consolidate all the files in the .zip files mentionned in another file Orbx temp. folder Then click on the application to run the installation.
Am I correct?
BUT what about this thing about FTX Central??
Because when I downloaded the 4 Parts they automaticaly went to the compressed folder as .zip. And inside these 4 folders there is files.
I am from Montreal can I call you. Would be easier on the phone.
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