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Okay - for the future it's suggested to put it into the sig.


Anyway, I am not an official supporter and I didn't experience this very issue myself, but I try to help. From what I recall from other posts, ESSA buildings rely on objectflow.dll (which is rather an exception compared to other ORBX airports). This dll is installed together with the orbxlibs, Thus I'd suggest downloading and installing the latest orbxlibs from




(scroll down) if you didn't do so already. This should provide an entry like


<Path>K:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery\ObjectFlow_P3D.dll</Path>


in your dll.xml file. 


If all this is okay, I am afraid it's a deeper issue which I can't help with.


Kind regards, Michael

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FTX suppport is only via the forum. Sometimes it takes a while to get an answer (notably over the weekend), but ususally someone will jump in. BTW, I just see this is the Public P3D forum, which is usually not scanned for support cases by the staff. Better try








depending on which version of P3D you are running. And don't forget to add the order number in your sig. The FTX guide available via FTX Central 2 describes how to do it.


Another possibility would be a forum search for ESSA. I recall there were several users with missing buildings, but usually it was an objectflow issue. As I said, it's running fine for me.


Kind regards, Michael


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I got it working buy reading some topics on the forum

if u see someone else with this problem just say to them to go to 

F:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery

there run the modulurinstaller as admin and that worked for me 

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