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Terrain.cfg error

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So I have been a long time user of ORBX products...was FSX but switched over to Prepar3d with great success. Installed Base, Vector and NA land class and had no issues. Everything was great. Then I tried to install FTX region PNW, CRM etc. Caused an issue....FTX Central 2 would not allow me to switch between regions with an error message coming up saying terrain.cfg file doesn't contain a land classes section. Please make sure you have latest orbs libraries installed. I dod of course install libs again - but still get error. FTX will not allow me to apply global group with same error message. This has also lead to an issue in game where houses, trees etc are all over the place...on taxiways, in the ocean etc. Can someone make a suggestion as to what I need to do. I am stumped

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Did the whole copy paste terrain.cfg to main PR3D folder with no luck...I still have houses and trees in the water. In Northern California and Southern California - water areas are now grass texture. I cannot switch back and forth between regions at all as FTX Central gives me a warning that terrain.cfg has no land classes and will not allow me to apply area

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Holger, I have located that file. Copied and pasted into PR3D folder which I should note is on a separate drive...not c:. When I click Global or North America and click on Apply Group I still get the same terrain.cfg file doesn't contain a {land classes} section. Please make sure you have the latest orbx libraries installed


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Just to be clear...do I take the terrain.cfg file from C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3 and move that into main P3D folder. Or do I take the terrain.cfg file from \ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Work and place that in P3D folder. Hate to seem like a dummy but I am having no luck with getting this to work


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Hmm... interesting... That may solve an issue I'm having as well.


Backup first, then giving it a shot. Thank you for the insight, Holger. Here's to hoping it works!

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