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KTEX Elevations\Display Issues

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I just purchased Telluride for use in P3Dv3.1 and I am having elevation and display issues with it. Specifically, aircraft and objects are "sunken into" the runway and ramps throughout (see Images 1 and 3), a large "hole" or empty space is present on the on the opposite side of the runway from the ramp area. This particular anomoly appears to have a duplicate image area located below that which should be displaying on the surface (see image KTEX-2). I have tried shifting between north America and Global in FTX Central to no effect.  As well, I have run the vector configuration tool for elevation adjustments, also to no effect.  I have further checked to make sure that I have no other third party that might conflict and I do not.  I have attached several screen caps to help illustrate my problem. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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G'day there, 


This looks like it may be related to another addon. If you have previously had another version of KTEX installed, just go to your FSX/scenery/world/scenery and check if there is a file named AFX_KTEX_ALT.bgl . If there is, this will need to be removed. 


Let me know if this resolves your problem. 




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