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Tapini with P3D v3.2

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I installed both.... 

I have 3 so far together with Global Base?  So I had the Global Base? first, then Pago Pago which is super super awesome...!!!!!!!!   then I bought Tapini and Meighs Field. But Tapini doesn't even open... looks like the plane is hitting something as it opens and crashes....    And Meighs Field nice, but airplane doesn't have shadow.....    No problem at all with Pago Pago.....

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Hi Ed,


Cheers for adding your ON, you'll be fine in PNG once you have the 'PNG Holgermesh' installed, just make sure its set to 5m


Regarding KCGX Meigs: If you are using P3Dv2/3 the ground-poly runway surface is considered to be a 'building' object, so the shadow on the ground is controlled by turning on 'Buildings - receive' in the shadow options - see pic:




And thanks for the kind words for Pago Pago, it means a lot to us to hear you enjoy it! :)

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