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Strange (Possibly Default) textures showing through in all Orbx regions.


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Recently I have these textures starting to show through in all Orbx regions I own (All apart from FTX:Norway, Alaska and Canada/Pacific Fjords). I have FTX:Global, Vector and both NA and EU Open LCs. The images below were taken in the PNW region south of KSEA but this effect is repeated region wide.2016-3-30_22-24-7-551_zpsfkmef37j.jpg~or







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Understood on the PNW front, Holger and thanks for taking the time to reply. However I also get these textures (Particularly the one in screenshot 2) in SoCal as well specifically around KNLC and west towards KMRY. I'll post some more Screenies once I'm back from work.

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Hi there,


without coordinates (Shift-Z) I can't check the specific location. However, outside of the KEGE add-on coverage area you're looking at the default landclass file for North America and it is known to place fields and settlements in odd locations.


I'd be interested in a couple of screenshots from SCA/KNLC though as there aren't any forestry clearcuts in that area.


Cheers, Holger

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19 minutes ago, MrNelz said:

Apologies Holger I forgot to post the co-ordinates. Will pop to SCA later and take some more shots. These anomolies only seem to have happened since I installed FTX:NZ SI and NI


Did you make sure to apply the correct group ("FTX Global", "North America", etc.) in FTX Central 2 before flying in each region?  Once, I forgot to apply the "Oceania" group before flying in New Zealand, and ran into very strange textures (such as orange mountains, if I recall correctly) there.

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Hey MrNelz,


I've had a couple problems myself. One dealing with season textures, which is not related to this, and the other being a texture problem similar to yours. I haven't figured out the season problem yet, but I was able to fix my strange texture problem. Maybe it will work for you.


I spent lots of time browsing through the support threads, trying to learn different fixes for things, etc., and came upon a post about a thing called Scenery Library Insertion Points. Apparently it was a feature of FTX central I knew nothing about, so I decided to have a look at it and see what it was all about. comparing to the pictures in the post, everything was in the right spot.......except the little blue OLC was above the orange FTX. They were both where they should be in the list, just switched. I'm not sure how, but sometime in the past month or so, when the problem suddenly appeared, Central switched them for some reason. I moved FTX back above OLC, and the texture problems were gone (mine were all over, including SCA, like you). So check out the post on Insertion Points, and see if your stuff is in order. Hopefully that's the problem, and it ends up being an easy fix for you. If not, I hope you figure things out and get things working right.



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Captain Z,  If you happened to have downloaded and installed OpenLC NA Canada/Alaska, that would account for your OLC entry being misplaced.  Installation instructions advised the user to manually place the OLC entry in its correct location in FTX Central.

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