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Runway Floating on ocean 2nm south of island


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i have a problem with the location of TFFS , it is floating on the ocean 2 miles south of the island it is meant to be on , when compared to google earth, the runway is sold enough but it is not on the island it is meant to be or any for that matter , 


ORBX Vector has a file for APT_TFFS.bgl as well as ABP_TFFS.bgl and one that was marked as inactive by the airport elevations auto correction tool .

when looking at the tool FS tramp it reports the files as  WORLD\Scenery\BVCF.BGL, \0303\scenery\APX31260.bgl and APT_

TFFS.bgl i tried marking  the last one as disabled and re starting the sim but it made no difference, 


when viewed from top down the airstrip is clearly in the wrong place or the island is in the wrong place. either way i cannot fix it , if could be in ORBX Global or in ORBX Vector 

airport is Le Saints in the Caribbean south Pointe-A--Pitre




please compare to google earth  and how long will it take you to fix this problem 



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It may be Vector. Global is a texture replacement, it has nothing to do with where things are. Do you, perhaps have any Traffic programs that might have a conflicting placement for the airport ? 

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Did i if forget to mention that i am using LOCKHEED Prepar3d Version 3.1 .

i have no traffic programs that inject airport locations , as the aforementioned utility FS TRAMP is even so kind as to indicate the files which contain the airport data , 


also you are looking at the wrong ISLAND ..... this is  paid for software from ORBX.... the file APT_TFFS ? does that have nothing to do with runway placement ?


ALSO today TCDF is also out in the middle of the ocean to be honest what is the point correcting the islands geographic location if you cannot do anything about the longitude and latitude of the runway 


i hope this annotation helps you fix the location.  and highlight where you should be looking ,




i trust since i have paid for your software that you will feel obliged to fix it , i should not have to go to lockheed to fix this since your software is responsible for location data of airports and vectors , if its wrong in the original sim because the island is in the wrong location i bought vector to make my world more accurate not less , 

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Vector does many things but does not correct airport locations.


This is the FSX and P3D representation of the islands without Vector.




and this is the position of the aircraft at TFFS in FSX and P3D as displayed in Google Earth





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once again i would like to remind you i am using Prepar3d something your software supports , aleegedly i had to create a fake fsx file jsut so that those freeware products would install and this is the result 




it is a screenshot of TFFS , yes i have run the vector autoconfig tool , and NO i do not think that passing the buck and telling me to use someone elses product to fix your own mistakes is acceptable solution , 


there is a saying among flight simmers , that flight simulation is the only industry where software is released and then the user is expected to fix the bugs themselves , becuase it is clear that the lack of support i am getting over this issue  adds credence to this saying


if your software change or updates the location of an island , then you have the responsibility not to break someones simulation by the installation of your PAID FOR  product. 

In the UK we call that trade descriptions act and also under our sale of goods act , your software has to be fit for the purpose which it was sold  now i am telling you a bug exists , how hard is it to ask one of your developers to re position a runway with a fix download.   i am sure that someone at your vast company and given the amount of people that pay for your software, would be capable of and something that you are keen to accept responsibility for. 


should i write to Lockheed and explain how you are making their simulator look bad ? since orbx being a partner of Lockheeds development should be doing everything possible to make my flying experience a pleasure to use. 



I will ask you again , PLEASE FIX YOUR SOFTWARE , and yes that is in caps since you seem not to notice the fact i am annoyed by the ridiculousness of this support request,


and if you dare say to me you will offer a refund , then that makes the whole experiences of using orbx useless. i do not accept the above as acceptable customer service. 

and by the way , having customers contact you for support over a forum is not very good customer service, since i have no idea whom is responsible for the responses. or even if some one in your companies management even knows this issue exists.   


in addition since i am on the subject , is there a reason why orbx ignores Lockheeds request for all addons to be installed outside the parent directory 


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ok orbx developers , having spent the afternoon playing with the bgltoxml tools and google earth inspecting the file , APT_TFFS , that is in your orbx vector folder , 


ONE OF YOUR FILES... you have the gps co-odinates wrong , i was able to move the airport runway to the right island by moving it form 51.86........ to 51.84.... latitude , 


this is your problem your files your responsibility to fix it , telling me to use someone elses mesh and scenery to cover up your mistakes is disgraceful for  a paid peice of software that given enough time i could probably fix myself , you are the developers , it is your mess to fix , now please fix it , and post the file here or email it to me you do not need to dig through a worlds worth of products i have even told you what file the mistakes are located in , 

next time when you are moving islands please do not copy the microsoft mistaken gps coordinates straight over and hope that no one notices , 


for attention of orbx management , if they even exist and read this as i would very much like to ask them where is there quality controll over developers cutting corner and charging customers for shoddy coding .

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You need to work on your interaction skills, "Griffen" or whoever you are.


Berating our staff, making accusations of shoddy products, telling us what we are responsible for, and generally acting a twat - does not help your cause at all. Rather, it makes you look foolish, impatient and petulant, like a child who wants it "NOW!".


We have been working on a service pack for Vector which in fact does rectify many airport locations worldwide which our more accurate coastlines orphaned, and this will be released in due course, when it's ready and has been tested.


In the meantime, life goes on and you have 27,500 other airports around the world to choose to fly into besides TFFS - a rather apt ICAO code I must say! 

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