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Numeric key pad

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Hi Guys,

When using the built in ATC in FSX it is menu driven..

My question is this :-

If, for instance I wanted to choose menu choice 1 (ATIS) would a numeric keypad do this...as having a big keyboard next to you is cumbersome..

a small numeric key pad would sit nicely on top of my Saitek yoke..

If not can anybody come up with any suggestions??

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I would too like to know this, as i was going to go to officeworks today and buy one. They sell them for around $30 i think. Great idea as i just purchased a saitek yoke and switch panel also, and pedals. And the idea of having to find room for a chunky keyboard is a bad idea!

Im sure it will work, its just a USB number keyboard im sure it would work fine. I may pick one up today, ill let you know if it works!



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I know it doesn't work on mine.

ATC commands only work on the main numeric keys above the letters, not the num pad to the right.

I have a Logitech G15 and thought that would work too.

Someone must have a clue, surely.


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ATC commands only work on the main numeric keys above the letters, not the num pad to the right.

I'm also just going round this loop. Current 'compromise' solution is this (tiny keyboard):

Posted Image

The 'show/hide ATC window' function is mapped to the PTT switch on the yoke (button 1), and the keyboard isn't too far away. This still isn't very satisfactory where you need your hands on the yoke (like in the circuit), so my plan for a 'proper' solution is to buy ten push-switches from Maplin, wire them into the numeric keys of a second USB keyboard and then mount them somehow within finger-reach! We'll see how useful that turns out...

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Can you let us know how it goes and show us your schematic.

Yeah, I'll report back if I get anything going. Not sure there will be much of a 'schematic' though! The tricky bit will be deciding were to put the buttons.

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I use a Belkin nostromo n52 to do what you want. It sits to the left hand side of my yoke, has its own software so you can program each button to up to 3 differnt keystrokes or macros.  I have been using it for a couple of years and even use it to change the g15 keyboard screens when using the g15 app for fsx that has quite a number of pages on it.  Sells for about $45 I think from memory.

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Thought i would share, i purchased a logitech usb keypad only to realise this only emulates the keypad on the right side of the keypad so it wouldnt work to use ATC.

I have found a freeware application called KeyTweak that you can repmap any key on your keyboard to anything you like:


This is awesome, i remapped all the numberic keypad keys to the actual number keys. This then sends information to windows registry and works in ANY program ( e.g flight sim )

Enjoy! go buy any cheap nasty USB keypad and remap those keys! now i can set it up in my home cockpit



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I use Game Commander ... voice recognition software.

Since ATC is voice based in real life I figured this was the perfect solution and no hardware save from the microphone. ;D

I use in conjunction with Radar Contact  ... rather more flexible and accurate ATC than default.

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I have found a freeware application called KeyTweak that you can repmap any key on your keyboard to anything you like

Wow, I just bought a £6.99 keypad and that works a treat!

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You should definitely have a look at Hid Macros : http://hidmacros.medek.info/

It is meant to be used with FSX and allows you to add extra number pads, keyboards or mice and re-program their keys.

I wrote a short tutorial about it on Avsim : http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=254108

Sorry, it is in French but if you want to laugh, try it in google translate : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforums1.avsim.net%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D254108

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Merci Jean-Paul!

That is exactly what I was hoping to see one day, simply BRILLIANT!

I couldn't get the volume knob (it rotates freely without limits, just like a rotary knob on a MCP!) from my DELL enhanced usb keyboard (this one: http://www.dengler.net/SK-8135/SK-8135.jpg)to be recognized, but using some Autohotkey script, I got its signal (as a HID), translated it to a keyboard signal  so that hidmacro is now reading it. Result: I now have a free rotary for selecting altitude! So many many thanks again Jean-Paul! ;)

The keyboard can be found on ebay for 10-20$AU. If anybody needs it I can help and provide code for the autohotkey script that detects the volume knob ;)

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I'll make sure to thank the author, but thank you for sharing this here!

I had a try with FSX today and for some reason HIDmacros was not capturing properly the inputs as soon as the focus was not on its window, so it didn't work, but I hope I'll be able to fix that...

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I have the same model........but different, Saitek made one called the Cyborg unit, its about half the price of what Belkin was asking and exactly the same unit, I use it for my overhead panel in the dodosim 206, works fantastically

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Oh well, I can't get HIDmacros to work (with Vista32)... Somehow, it captures the inputs when I use it with the focus on the notepad, but it fails to do so with FSX, unless the focus is on the HIDmacro app iself... which renders it quite useless. Jean-Paul, are you using it with Vista or XP, or anyone else here? I'll see with the developper himself as well. Meanwhile I'm back to autohotkey, a little bit more work and it lacks the nice integration of simconnect.

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OK, for Vista user willing to use HIDmacros, you've got to turn UAC off. Launching it with administrator rights isn't enough to make the input hook work.

I'm enjoying a great setup now: the keyboard rotary knob controls the selection, an additional keypad with flat keys is my MCP and radio tuning device (I've printed custom stickers and put them on the flat keys), and a spare mouse controls the VS wheel. It's basically a MCP module for 20$ :)

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I used the keytweak utility and just changed my num pad to the old 1, 2, 3, thingy on my G15 and bob's your uncle.

It really does work a treat and now I don't have to lean over (bad Feng Shui there) and look for the keys anymore.

A very quick and easy mod that will make my flying more pleasant,

Thanx again.


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