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Problem: Missing Autogen or "Empty grey areas"?


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I m using P3D v3.0 with:

  • Installed Orbx Products:
    • GLOBAL
      • FTX GLOBAL BASE PACK - Version 1.40 September 2015FTX Global Base Pack
      • FTX openLC Europe Version 1.20 - September 2015FTX Global openLC Europe
      • FTX GLOBAL VECTOR PACK - Version 1.35 November 2015FTX Global Vector
    • REGION
      • Norway FTX EU NOR Norway V1.10 Patch 001 April 2015
    • OTHER
      • Orbx Libraries FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 151213 13TH DECEMBER 2015
      • FTX openLC Base Region Version 1.10 - September 2013FTX_OLC_AA
      • FTX openLC Europe Region 1 (Baltics Demo) Version 1.10 - September 2013FTX_OLC_EU1
      • FTX_OLC_NA1 FTX openLC North America Region 1 Version 1.00 - September 2013
  • Additional Addons:
    • Pilots FS Global 2010 FTX
    • ASN
    • REX4


FTX Global active in FTX Central 2 (hybrid mode on/off - tried both)


Flying near Kiel, Germany (EDHK) with activated OpenLC it looks like this:


with deactivated OpenLC (through Scenery Library in P3D) it looks like this:



Any idea?

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10 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

I believe they are to represent dock areas.

Yes, and that is correct. But why are these areas empty? Is it meant to look like this (to be honest it looks terrible that way...)?

In RL there are lots of buildings (very characteristic ones...I live in that area ;)

Maps: https://www.google.de/maps/@54.3277789,10.1632991,7236m/data=!3m1!1e3

Take a look at these screenshots (not mine, its a comparison of several sceneries for FSX, Sept 2014):

Should be openLC+FTX Global+Vector:


This different Vector+LC+FTX Global Textures:


Aerosoft scenery (comparable to RL (buildings, not the ugly "plastic" look):


Full article (in german..sry):



Maybe someone can check how it is supposed to look like with up-to-date Versions of OpenLC+FTX Global+Vector in that area?



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After digging around I eventually found out that it should look like that (first post first image). So case closed. Maybe orbx could/should add some information in the openLC manual that the "docks/harbour" LC is supposed to look like that - because in harbour dominated cities/areas it really looks a bit strange (at least to me ;)).

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I believe this is the standard ORBX way to depict this type of landscape. I asked a similar question regarding FTX AU several years ago and was told that this is they way they do it. I would also like to see some more detail in areas such as this.


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Hi guys,


it's one of those tricky compromises that developers of landclass-based scenery face: if one places generic industrial landclass in harbors with their many basins then chances are the building footprints are cut off at weird angles and users complain that it looks "broken". If, one the other hand, one places a generic "concrete" class and thus avoids the issue with the building footprints then the complaints are that it looks empty. 


Personally I prefer the former approach since it still looks reasonable from a distance, which is how most users will see industrial areas. Other developers disagree (and not just at Orbx) and use the approach with the concrete landclass, which is why you see both approaches. In other words, there is no "standard Orbx way" as it depends on the product and development team.


Cheers, Holger 

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I understand the problem - but you could argue the same way regarding "city" land classes - if you fly low enough over cities you see a lot accurately placed roads etc (from ftx vector) cutting (texture) buildings/roads in half. In my opinion a developer should provide both options and leave the decision to the user...beauty is in the eye of the beholder :D 

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