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Looking for a web page ??.


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Hi all. The other day I was looking at this web page ? or some thing and I thought it was on here some where. It showed small pictures of multi coloured DH 2 Beavers and turbo beavers parcked up at piers and like a huge lake or some thing with a ferry coming or going and small part of a town. The sun was shining and every thing was green and it looked so nice I thought it would be a lovely place to retire, I wish. I'm not being funny and it wasn't Friday harbour. Now I can not remember where I saw it. If any one has seen some hing like that here could they please point it out to me. Just to mention it was real life and not Misty moorings. Thanks. Derek.

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9 minutes ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi. Don't know. Thought it could have been an area that some one posted on Orbx site but have had a look and can not find anything. Always the way if you don't book mark stuff. Ah well. Derek.

Google Ketchikan, Alaska.

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Hi. No not Ketchikan, though does look nice. All I can remember is there was about 8 shots of differant Beavers on the right hand side and then a shot of a town looking out over a lake or some thing. Thanks anyway. Derek.

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