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FTX NorCal O37 Issues


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FTX NorCal O37


many cars suspended in air scattered around various spots.





Fuel tank suspended in mid air.



gravity effect starting at this fuel tank and access road.  no brakes applied, throttle at zero, plane will roll all the way off the airport because of downhill slope?


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Can you reinstall the libraries and then in FTX Central 2 - click on global and apply and then click on North America and click Apply.


Are you using vector also? if you are using vector also - please run the vector tool and do a autoconfiguration AEC scan.  Make sure do this step after you have Set to North America in the FTX Central 2



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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem for me. Went through the steps as suggested and all the EAC scan did was wipe out all my disabled freeware strips.

Cars still floating but AI craft seem to be on the ground.

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