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On 2016-01-06 Martin at DTG wrote


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"Now that 2016 is upon us we will be talking a lot more about DFS. DFS is a brand new flight simulator and although the game engine is based on the MS flight simulation technology it has been rebuilt from the ground up.

We will have lots more information and screenshots coming very soon!

- Martin"

Small but very interesting.

Cheers Anton. (via Tapatalk)

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Yes it is. So thankful MS "got off the can" after they got rid of ACEs as we now have two improved platforms out it where it was looking very dark there for the future of simming for awhile.  Especially after that MSFlight joke.

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What is interesting is that DTG took the same business model than Flight, a core plateform sold at a very low cost for the user to make money with DLC, but with a decent flightsim. If you want a really good laugh, look how Joshua Howard who killed the MSFS franchise to launch Flight on that idea , presents himself




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Looking at their forums, and comments it seems that there is a lot talk and much less concrete work by this group.


Exactly my thoughts.  It looks really nice, at least the little bit that they have out there, but I don't see any real concrete work that makes me think it has taken that step from a demo of an engine to an actual flight simulator.  I am going to keep an eye on it but I suspect it might just fade away.

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