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Moving Steam.


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Hi All. I had a bit of trouble with the Steam program a few days ago and my son ended up sorting it out for me. Only thing is I've noticed that he has installed it on my C drive which is only a 120 Ssd and has my operating system on it. My question is I would like to move Steam to another drive, would it be possible to do say, a cut and paste to move it and save reinstalling every thing again. Know there might be a few folders I would have to change. Might all so add that I use FSX-SE which is on another drive. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Derek.

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Google Junction Link Magic and give it a try.  Prior to my latest SSD crash I was running out of space on my hard drive and I created a junction point to install all of my Orbx scenery on a different drive with 1 TB space. There are tutorials available on the net as to how to perform it.  It's pretty straightforward. 

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Steam is easy to cut and paste and move around without messing around with junction links. Google moving steam install. You delete everything in the steam folder apart from steam apps and the steam exe I think. You then move it and run the exe and it redownloads the other files into the new location. I can't remember the exact details but I have done it many times and it is well documented on the Internet.


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Hi Guys. Thanks for that, but earlier tonight I saw the exact same thing, not on Steam but some where I googled. So that works ok deleting folders and stuff. 

Iflygary yes I know about Junction link magic even use it to link my Orbx files to another drive. 

I just don't want my C drive to get to much on, so thank you all for your help. Derek. Have a good year all of you. 

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Dam I did it wrong yesterday. I moved the Steam apps folder then the Steam exe then started deleting the rest of it, ok for a bit then started coming up with you Can not delete that as its being used some where else. Kept trying of course no good and in the end had to try and reinstall Steam again. Got there in the end, will do it right some time today. I will learn. Derek.

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Derek, make sure you are logged out of steam and it is closed properly. Check in the task bar and if it is there then right click and exit or even better, change it to not auto start on boot up and then reboot your computer. That way you can be absolutely sure it won't be running. Then you can just follow the instructions without issue.


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Hi Chris thanks for that tip. Just going to get rid of Planetside 2 as that installed in wrong place. Did get it into Steam but there bits of it else where, then will try again moving Steam. Did it the wrong way round last time. Lol.

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