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FTX Global Base Pack multiple errors


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Hi everybody,

first excuse for my english, but I'm not english


I've a problem with the installation of FTX Global Base Pack.


After the end of installation of FTX Global Base Pack I've this two windows:


If I click on "OK" to close the error message Windows I've a FTX Central window which opens but nothing happens...I waited for about 2 hours bit nothing happens

If I close all windows and I open FTX Central from windows start menu I've a FTX Central with a download and install button




And when I click on this download and install boutton I've this windows:



If I close this window with "OK" button I've a new error message


So after I close this error message and I launch Flight Simulator FSX I've this..... but naturally the FTX Global Base Pack textures don't run In FSX cause the multiple errors


Hope somebody can help me or ORBX can give me a solution


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You may like to post in the French section of the forum as some of the error messages are in French.


FSX Global (as apposed to OpenLC) replaces the default textures and thus wont appear in the scenery library. The best way to detect if it was loaded is to fly in a familiar area and see if there is significant changes in the land photorendition.


Vous pouvez, comme pour poster dans la section française de ce forum que quelques-uns des messages d'erreur sont en français.

FSX mondial (par opposition à OpenLC) remplace les textures par défaut et apparaît ainsi l'habitude dans la bibliothèque de paysages. La meilleure façon de détecter si elle était chargée est de voler dans une zone familière et voir si il ya des changements significatifs dans la photorendition des terres.


Via Google Translate

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Hi petfy,

thanks for your aswer.
Yes I also post about the same message in the French section on the forum.

I post also in english and in an other French Forum but for now nobody aswer me.

I posted in english because I home a member staff of Orbx read my problem with their soft


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Cant cut text out of images to paste into the translator (I'm lazy), so could you do the hard word and translate just the main parts of the screen shots that you have provided.


Vous ne pouvez pas couper du texte sur les images pour les coller dans le traducteur (je suis paresseux), de sorte que vous pourriez faire le mot dur et traduire seulement les parties principales des captures d'écran que vous avez fournis.


Via Google Translate

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It looks as if you might be trying to install FTX Central in Windows XP?

As I understand it, the Microsoft .net framework v 4.5 that is required by 

FTX Central to work is not compatible with that operating system.


EDIT: I see you now have the same question from my colleague Richard

in the French forum.



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