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[FSX] Accuracy of Open LC - Ireland


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Hi Everyone


I've just bought FXT Global+Open LC. Quality of textures is great! I'm really happy with that aspect of the product. I fly mainly in Ireland and I've noticed that position and size of some towns are inaccurate or they are completely missing. On the other hand positioning of another places/towns/village is very accurate.


Could you look at the screenshots below and let me know if you see the same textures at those places? First I want to check if that problem is general or rather specific to my installation of FSX 


I'm going to use two examples near Cork to show what I mean.


1. Kinsale: https://www.google.ie/maps/@51.7063272,-8.5240677,2705m/data=!3m1!1e3


It looks that whole town is missing:




Here is google earth image:






2. Carrigaline: https://www.google.ie/maps/@51.8157123,-8.3893933,3829m/data=!3m1!1e3


Clearly the town is not shown accurately:



Google Earth Image:








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While I agree that Kinsdale thing could certainly be a lot better, I think you might be asking a bit much of OpenLC with those shots of Carrigaline. I don't have FTX Ireland myself, but it sounds to me like that may address your issues. It is likely to be far more accurate for the area it covers, which is good for the places you are personally familiar with. These areas may one day get addressed in a patch some time, but if you want an immediate solution FTX Ireland may be the way to go. With any luck, someone who has it may be able to post screenshots of the same locations and see how they compare to yours.

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I agree with paralipsis. The OLC is a "representative" product not based on absolute accuracy. The nearest to accurate you will get is either photoscenery of Ireland or  "nearer to" accuracy with FTX Ireland. Take advantage of the current sale and get FTX Irelandfor under 18 Euro is my suggestion. Only 5 days left for the sale!!

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Thank you for your comments.


paralipsis, I've taken another screenshot of Carrigaline which better shows that majority parts of the town are filled with a 'field' textures instead of 'city' textures. Yellow shape shows the real area of the town. All areas in red belong to the town and are correct  but the rest is not correct. Town is filled with field textures. You can even see town streets which are just laying on the empty fields which all together gives very unrealistic impressions for those familiar with the area. 

What is surprising for both Carrigaline and Kinsale that much smaller (comparing to the whole town area) industrial areas are positioned correctly. They are easily visible on google earth images and my screenshots. So for Kinsale there is small industrial areas visible (my first post: Kinsale screenshot-bottom right corner) but whole town is missing. Strange





At first I also asked myself 'if I'm not asking for too much..." but the real problem which I see here in not the lack of extreme accuracy or a few missing villages but rather lack of proportions in terms of accuracy. What I mean is that some smaller (than my two examples) areas/towns are reproduced much better. There is small town Crosshaven (https://www.google.ie/maps/@51.8029665,-8.2943525,3130m/data=!3m1!1e3) just a few km from Carrigaline and the landclass for it and surrounding areas is nearly perfect. You can see all details including town itself, woods, industrial estates. Please see below screenshot and google earth image. 





Google Earth:





Crosshaven and Carrigaline are so close to each other that when you fly you see or should see both those towns however with openLC  you have impression that bigger town is simply missing. That is a bit annoying and strange and the main reason why I've decided to post here. 


I would expect similar accuracy everywhere ot at least within the same country etc. 

I don't know how better is FTX Ireland in that respect but IMHO even openLC EU which is still paid landlcass should offer proper representation of all towns.


Of course it would be nice to hear from someone how accurate is FTX Ireland landclass comparing to openLC.

Thanks again for your comments.  

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 I realise that it means more expenditure, but if you really want better representation of Ireland, buy the "Full Fat" versions, the LC's are simply better representational textures of the various areas that they cover.. the "Full Fat" versions are far and away better. Teecee.

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I understand your point with FTX Ireland however openLC which is advertised as "Hand crafted landclass for 10 million sq km" should properly represent towns with their sizes. It is separate paid landclass product above all and good landclass should do that. 


There should be some simple feedback mechanism (based for example on google maps) where users such as I'm could leave their comments about issues related to given location for instance "this town is way too small" :-)  I use TomTom car GPS device and I can make correction to the map. Then this correction is sent to TomTom company which verifies it. After positive verification it is sent to all other users.


I've not decided about purchasing FTX Ireland yet as before I need find out how better it is. Unfortunately screenshot on product's page are not sufficient to assess accuracy of the landclass and the advert says basically the same "Hand-placed landclass covers every sq km"  Again it would be fantastic to have an option to view a given region before ordering it in more detail, in a way similar to google maps. I'm aware that it is a bit unrealistic wish :-) Fortunately one can see location of airports and POIs included in the region which is really great!  

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I think that I would be asking for too much if I wanted some small industrial estates to be placed correctly with respect to the bigger town. But surprisingly those industrial estates are exactly where they should be. But towns are missing :-)   


Just bo be precise. I'm very happy with accuracy offered by OpenLC EU in many places which is represented even better than I expected. There are many.. many such a places/sities/smal towns. I gave one example above (Crosshaven town) which looks beautiful. This is also strong evidence that openLC is capable to deliver amazing results but unfortunately not everywhere. 


Let me compress my story to single sentence: It looks strange and a bit surprising that bigger town 1 is not represented as accurate as smaller town 2 and in fact it looks much smaller in fsx with openLC. 







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