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Some common Australian birds for Noel


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Well I did say Noel I would post some photos of Australian birds from time to time but I didn't mean to leave it so long.

Here are a few common ones that I have phographed over the last few years.



This is a Whistling Kite which are very common at times in different areas. I very rarely saw them perched but this one was sitting amongst the vines on my farm in Red Cliffs near Mildura and I had to use some stealth to take this shot from the side of my house.

Taken from the back yard  when we were renting in Mooroopna. The aerial was a great perch for many different  birds. A Blue Faced Honeyeater is flying away from the most iconic of Australian birds, the Kookaburra.

Perched on a lower part of the aerial is the Magpie Lark. Looking at his glazed eye he must have had quite a good night out.

Red Cliffs again and a flock of Little Corellas. Sometimes the flock consists of hundreds of birds and they are very noisy on the wing. In Mooroopna the Long Billed Corella is very common. 30 years ago they were rare but their numbers have exploded since then.

A Sulphur Crested Cockatoo feasts on the almond tree in the front yard of my house in Red Cliffs. Cockatoos and parrots decimated the top of the tree leaving us the nuts from the lower branches. We had a large almond plantation close by and it was always sad to hear the guns going off as you knew what was happening.

A Black Backed Magpie flies from that aerial in Mooroopna. Common as, they have a very distinctive song which is pleasing to the ear. One must feel sorry for this bird though for being associated with the Collingwood Football Club.

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