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Error Switching Region

Marty Stiles

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please help...ive been looking forward to ORBX Global for a bit and i finally downloaded it..after i got it installed,i went directly to the game and started flying...to my surprise,i did not see any difference at all..then i realized something else went on my desktop...i opened FTX and tried to apply the settings and i am getting an error messages saying i am missing a file and it cant switch regions


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Hi Marty,


Thanks for that!


Grab the latest Orbxlibs installer from here:


Unzip, double-click the installer

You should now have a "FTX Central 2" icon on the desktop, open this up and select the 'Global' group and then press the 'apply group' button and close


Once thats done load up FSX and have a look, if your still not convinced its worked, slew up to about 4000ft (Y key to enter slew-mode, then F4 to go up, F2 to stop) and take a screenshot and post it here and we can assist further, some instructions on doing that is here:





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thats where my problem was...after i first installed Global,i opened my game and saw that ORBX was in my scenery library...i started playing the game and thought wow,i see no difference..then i remember seeing FTX 2 go on my desktop...i opened it and tried to apply the settings and the error message pops up...i have yet to see it in action

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got everything up and running or so i thought...i now have black boxes all around my scenery lights,day or night...id tried switching the vector 3d lights off,no help...reducing my sliders...no help..(running a alienware x51 nvidia Geforce 745 with 6 GB)...i heard some members talking about DX9 and DX10...im a newbie...all i wanted was some autoinstalled scenery..i guess i should of got everything sorted out before i purchased the vector payware a few hrs ago...at a loss and a little frustrated

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Hi Marty,


To resolve the issue: turn off the 'DX10 preview mode' function in the FSX settings.


Or if you simply must have 'DX10 preview mode' switched on then invest in Steve's DX10 fixer tool http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/forum/171-dx10-discussion/


There is also a freeware DX10 fixer version around if you search for it (avsim)


Personally I have never felt a need for it (DX10), but there are loads of folks who say its the next best thing since sliced bread so... :)



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7 hours ago, Marty Stiles said:

are you tired of hearing from me yet Tim?...lol..i switched off my DX10 and it made all the difference....one last question..i just installed the global vector and i was wondering that after i apply it in FTC,it does not show as being activated like the global base does

That's normal behavior for FTX Central.  Technically, Vector is not a region, so it's not "activated" like a region would be.

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thanks for the information Stewart,i really appreciate it....just a follow up on my intro to FSX...i am currently running on DX9 with my sliders maxed...i have ORBX Global Base and Vector + N/A add-on for the rocky mountains and i also have ASN installed...it absolutely runs like a dream and it was money well spent...thanks for all the help guys and until we meet again...happy flying.......Marty

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Good to hear, Marty.  Looks like you're on your way to many happy hours of simming.  Eventually, if you decide to dive into DX10, there is a subforum under Tips & Tricks where we will try to help get that bad boy working for you.  Some folks like it, some don't.  But once you've got working properly, it's hard to go back to DX9.  I simmed with DX9 for several weeks before I took the plunge, and then Adam_NZ's guide was a god-send for setting things up. 

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