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DHC-8 Q400 CYXE-CYAV Foggy Missed Approach & Diversion


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In this edition of The Canadian Odyssey, The Mighty Dash hits a fog-bank.


Intended to fly into St. Andrews. Set up for the visual but the weather deteriorated severely on arrival. Descended to pattern altitude and only saw the barest hint of an airport.


The observant among you will be quick to note that this was not legal VFR flying; not by a long shot. Was simply pretending to have been vectored by ATC for the visual.


In any case, it was no dice. So I went missed, diverted myself to a hold, then flew the ILS into CYWG.




Intercepted late. Landed long. Barely made it in as the fog descended. A good day for overcoming challenges. A bad day for elegant flying.


Ugly. But still kind of fun.


Hope there's something to learn, here.









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Marshall, tense moments in the fog, would have been good to have your comments as you made your decisions.

A suggestion - how about your description and no music until gear up then music for the cruise at altitude then your description from top of decent to the landing or changes to destination etc.



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Thanks Sammy,


I made a bit of a dog's breakfast out of it, but learned a lot. The lessons will be reflected, I hope, in the next installment.


On Ken's advice, it'll be more of a step-by-step walk-through. Less music. Perhaps fewer mistakes. We'll see. Flying it tonight, after a business dinner. Certain bottle-to-throttle rules might have to be, shall we say, honored in the breach.





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