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Possible reinstall.


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Hi All. Been having trouble with FSX, has been put in the General forum, where FSX loads but in a couple minutes it shuts down. Not all the time but most. Been looking at my comp and I use Internet download manager and noticed that my download for OpenLC NA Canada/Alaska which is the last thing I down loaded is at 100% where as all my other downloads say completed. Some one who looked at my post about FSX said that it could be a possible corrupt file and just wondering if that is the culprit and needs to be done again. All so another question If I have to do a reinstall, if I delete all the Orbx products and any others I find would that put FSX back to its original state, and all so if I delete the cfg file, all so what must I do to get rid of all of the OpenLC Canada/Alaska entries.   Thanks for any help. Derek.

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Hi Derek,


it's unlikely that an add-on that installed without error messages would be somehow corrupt.


Check Windows Event Viewer as to what causes the crashes; see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/75724-repeated-ctds-and-fsx-restart-with-ftx-global-and-ftx-northern-ca-set-in-hybrid-mode/?p=694467


As to deactivating or uninstalling openLC NA see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/102948-open-lc-na-alaskacanada-disable-or-uninstall-help/?p=929738


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger. Thank you, why didn't I think of that. Had a look and sorry but don't know how to take that sort of screen shot, but here goes hope this is enough. It's a dll. and it says faulting module name: uiautomation core.dll version: 7.2.10240.16431 exception code 0xc0000005 . Hope I got that right and it's the same for all the FSX errors I have been having apart from one that said unknown. All so been having another problem, sure it's after I shut down FSX , that task bar locks and I can not get it to show and if I press my mouse button it starts a repeating sound like a beep beep and the courser moves aratic across the screen, in the end I have to reset the comp and where it used to say start windows normally, it now does it automatically. The next time it happens I will check the event window again. Thanks Holger. Derek.

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Just realised, is this the same as the menu bar crash problem that some people had, including me. Though my problem has nothing to do with me pressing any thing on the menu bar, it just happens by itself after a couple of minutes of loading FSX? . Derek.

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Hi Derek,

Google and get a hold of the 6.0.5840.16386 version of the UIAutomationCore.dll

From what I understand, when you click on menus in FSX, minimize and maximize the FSX window, FSX tends to freeze and just quit. You could be flying and doing nothing and FSX crashes, it's one of the many anamolies of using FSX unfortunately. Place the file in the FSX root folder and do not place it anywhere else.

If you can't find the file, PM me your email and I will send you a copy.

Good luck

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