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Numerous elevation issues with Global Base/Vector/NA


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Sorry for both of our sakes to be bringing this up. I have loved ORBX for years, and just last week sprang for the Global Base/Vector/NA set, expecting to be dazzled.

I am very disappointed to say that since I installed it, elevations at my existing ORBX airports are now totally wack, really unusable and ugly, either with deep chasms along the runway or with the runway in a hole. 

I have spent a couple of days trying to research the problem on the internet, but haven't found an answer. I tried the airport elevation correction on/off in Vector, but it did not seem to help, or even to really change much of anything. 

By switching off of Global back to FTX NA, everything seems to go back to normal, but then what's the point of buying the Global set?

Any assistance would be appreciated. I must be missing something obvious.

Thank you,

John Winskie


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Hi winskie. In order to try and resolve your issue i think more detail is required from you. For example did you run the latest FTXORBXLIBS 150815 (available at the FTX site) after installing the addons you just purchased? Send a pic of your Scenery Library so we can see if the sceneries are in the right sequence in your sim. Do you have a mesh addon installed and if so where does it sit in your scenery library. If ,for example if it is set higher than your new addons then it will cause the kind of problem you are seeing.

Any of the above extra details will help assisting a satisfactory resolution.

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Hello jjaycee1!

I guess I am happy to report that things appear to have sorted themselves out, and as far as a quick flight can tell, everything is working properly now! I had switched to FTX NA, then switched back to Global, started FSX, went into the Scenery Library, took a screenshot to send you, then backed out of Scenery Library (at which point it loaded files, as usual), and at that point everything appears to have gotten corrected. I saw none of the glitches I had been seeing previously. It could be that I had needed to activate the scenery in Scenery Library, which I had not done previously.

I am sorry to have taken your time, but I think that your having me go into Scenery Library may have been the one thing I had been missing.



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Hello Guys I just bought FTX GLOBAL openLC NA Alaska/Canada and my streets are not level and some building are not level also half of the base of the house is in the air and the streets looks like Roll coaster up and down and I don't know how to fix it  I would like to put some pictrures so you guys have some idea but I don't know to do it any help will be appreciated .


Best regards: Manuel 

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