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Just bought KEGE, missing autogen vegetation


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I'm loving this airport, however I realized I'm not getting any autogen vegetation. I installed KEGE and then installed the latest ORBX libs, no autogen vegetation. Did a restart of my PC, reinstalled ORBX libs, but still no autogen vegetation. However, I am getting autogen buildings.

I'm running P3D V2.5 right now with FTX Global. If you need my order number for KEGE I can put that in my signature, but I'd assume those below would suffice.

Thanks a ton,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Jarrad,


I am having the same problem (no vegetation) but your suggestion (applying or re-applying the global region - or NA or the hybrid mode for that matter) did not work for me. Is there anything else I could try?


Best wishes,



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Hi Robert,

  I would set "Global" in FTXCentral, hit Apply and then reinstall KEGE.  Once installed do a reinstall of the ORBX Libs, open FTXCentral and re "apply" the Global region.   I know it sounds like a pain but it only takes a few minutes and should clear things up for you.

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G'day Robert,


Could you please go to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Autogen folder, right click on AutogenDescriptions.sbp, select properties and confirm what the "Modified" date for that file is? 


Likewise, what sim are you using KEGE with?




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Thanks Robert,


That's very odd - a couple of extra things to try:


1. For that file I just got you to check, could you please give me the full folder location of where it is? Ie on my computer (with original FSX Gold Edition installed), it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Autogen

2. Could you log a Diagnostics Report for us? In FTX Central v2, go to Settings>Troubleshooting>Start Diagnostic Reporter - copy the report number and paste it here and we can look into it a bit further for you. 




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No worries at all, could you do the following:


1. Create a new backup folder in your Autogen folder

2. Move every file into that folder except for the following: 

- AutogenDescriptions.spb

- AutogenDescriptions_Mid.spb

- AutogenDescriptions_Min.spb

- default.xml

- Extrusions.spb

- Materials.spb

- RoofDescriptions.spb

- TerrainAutogenClassDescriptions.spb

3. Run FSX at KEGE and see if that makes a difference. 




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G'day Robert,


There is definitely something amiss with your setup based on the couple of things I looked at in your Diagnostic report - even with the backup .sbp files from other vendors' scenery, there are a heck of a lot of files in your FSX/autogen folder that shouldn't be there. No worries though, next thing to try:


(Keep those moved files exactly where they are for the time being)

1. Install the latest ORBXLibs again (again!) and cycle the Global Region again in FTX Central (doesn't matter if it's Hybrid or not). 

2. Go to KEGE, see if it makes a difference. If not, take a screenshot or two and post them up. 

3. Go to another couple of airports and see if there is any vegetation, and take a couple of screenshots. If you have them currently installed, KSEZ and KJAC are good examples as they contain a mix of default and custom autogen types. 


Now if this doesn't yield a result, could you do a couple of spot checks for me:

- Go to your new Autogen/backup folder, there will be a couple hundred files with the extension .dds or .bmp

- In another window, open up your FSX/texture folder

- Note down some of the .dds/.bmp files in your backup folder - are the exact same ones also in your /texture folder or not?



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Hi Jarrad,


I re-installed the latest Orbx libraries (151001), then applied the hybrid mode again, then loaded up FSX SE and KEGE, but still have no vegetation. I do however have normal autogen at Sedona. The dds and bmp files in my autogen folder are also present in my texture folder. I don't know how to attach any pictures to these posts though.


Best wishes,



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G'day Robert,


I've got to be honest - I'm quite stumped as to what the cause may be for your problem. Your autogendescriptions appears to be up to date, another airport with recently-added new autogen entries is working fine (KSEZ), your default autogen is working fine (KJAC), yet the latest set of autogen vegetation updates for KEGE isn't working, even though the rest of the (building) autogen is fine. Bizarre!


I'll send you over my direct files, try these out:


1. Unzip the Autogen.zip, and drop the three .spb files into your FSX/autogen - replacing the existing versions. 

2. Unzip the KEGE.zip, and drop the 965 .agn files into your FSX/ORBX/FTX_NA/FTX_AA_KEGE/texture folder, replacing the existing versions. 


See if these work. 






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Hi Jarrad,


Thanks for all your help with this. Well beyond the call of duty I think and much appreciated! Unfortunately, however, your files did not bring back the vegetation in KEGE either. I think we should give up and I will just continue to enjoy KEGE even without the vegetation!


Best wishes,



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