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Sitka, AK (PASI), serious elevation errors after OpenLC Na A/C


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Hi Folks,

Prior to installing Open NA A/C a few days ago, my Sitka, Alaska area, (particularly, PASI airport), elevations were fairly good.


However, it now has a more serious elevation problem, (entire sections of the aiport property are under water and a number of large Boat docks are entirely on dry land.


I must admit that I didn’t check the PASI area immediately after installing OpenLC NA. I just happened to go there after I installed the latest library yesterday.


FTX Vector has no entry for PASI so I can’t try to use it for a correction, does anyone have a suggestion?

Is there is anyone else experiencing this problem?



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Hi Rich


I flew from Sitka after having installed OpenLC NAN to check "the gap" and didn't have the problem. The only issue I have is the misplacement of boats.


Were you in Global and not in NA ? And have you the Tongass X addon ?


If you are in Global all right, have you rerun the OrbXlibs and have you done the recommended switch : Go the FTX Central.  Activate NA. Apply. Activate Global. Apply ?

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Thank you Dominique!

Those are some good questions! In fact, I usually set my FTXC active to the section I fly which, in this case, was North America. If I understand you correctly, you're saying that I should have it set to "Global", right?


Also, I did install the latest library we have yesterday, (via the FTXC Updater, I love that thing :D! It saves a lot of time searching) I don't have Tongass X and as for 'cycling' the Global/NA/Oceania and back, yes I did.


So I'm going to change the active area to Global after I 'recycle' the Global/NA/Oceania, (just to make sure), because I believe you're suggesting I run "Global" as the active area.

Thanks agin for that fast reply.


I'll have time to try this in about 30 minutes or so. I'll post the results when I do.


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Oh well, I tried it but still no good : ... Several of the entire Boat slips and "floating walk-ways" are entirely on dry land. The island that the Sitka Lighthouse as well as the Keepers home is under water, making the two buildings apaear as if they're floating.


I opened FTXC and; cycled from NA, (Apply), to Oceana, (Apply), and then to Global, (Applied). I had the Hybrib mode set to off. 


As far as my Scenerie mesh and resolution settings go:

(I run my 5GHz CPU profile whenever I fly FSX), I have my Graphics resolution set to 4096, my Mesh Resolution set to 2M. MyTexture resolution is set to 15M and I maintain a 32FPS.


Perhaps one of the FTX/Orbx Administrators/Developers can suggest what I can do, (like maybe move or enable/disable something in the Orbx library, perhaps?).



The land that my entire PASI runway and hanger are on, is elevated making the airport appear surrounded by a waterfall. However, Holger once explained to me that this was a more typical anomally for those who did not have TongassX, (does your PASI airport appear that way too?).


Thanks for the attempt to help me. I know it's the weekend so it's unlikely that I'll hear from the FTX devs before Monday, I'll just have to wait until then.

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Sitka looks OK in my FSX (DX9) install.  Remember that the airport is located on an island and the R/W built on landfill.  Attached are a couple of overhead screenshots of what my Sitka looks like for comparison.

I am running FTX Global/Hybrid in the shots and do have some RTMM addon scenery on the airport (FEDEX offices) but other than that it is FTX SAK stock scenery.




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After spud'shots has more about Sitka:


Not wanting to put me in supporting that Dominique is giving, but, reinforcing what he has said, can not make a difference, yet the ideal mesh adjustment for Orbx products is 5m.


Else, PASI - Sitka, after Vector version 1.20, stood with its messy marinas, and PASI runway suffered a minor shift.


Then, a few months ago, I installed Tongass X: smile - everything a wonder, Sitka was very similar to the real thing (been there some time in the past).


Here, a sequence of shots Followed the Coast Guard Boat to the breakwater where you can see and PASI in Sitka Tongass X:
























Tongass X is not only Sitka everything within these fjords are improved.




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Hi Rich,


verbal descriptions of issues often don't contain all relevant details. Please post some screenshots; see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/


Also, as mentioned elsewhere, a landclass product like openLC NA does not alter shorelines, waterbodies, or the position and altitude of airports. Thus, if you have issue now they would have had to be present prior to the installation of openLC NA. In any case, some representative screenshots should help to focus in on the issue.


Cheers, Holger


PS: Spud and Voyager, that's the Tongass Fjords rendition of Sitka, which Rich doesn't have installed!

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OK, Something is definitely weird here. First, My PASI looks far more like Dominique’s than Spuds. In fact Spud, if I didn't know better, (based on what you're telling us), I'd swear you have a photo scenery version, no?

Thanks Holger,

I was just about to post the above, (crossed out), when I read your post. So Spud does have TonX.

I'll check on the "How-to" re: the screenshotsbut I'm working, (from home), and don't have a lot of time to jump in and out of the forums right now.


Something must have changed Sitka since I was last there but admittenly, it has been a while since my recent vist and the OpenLC NA A/C install.


I'll try and get those pics.

Thanks again,


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Try to move the mesh slider to 5 m.  BTW what mesh do you have ? And do as Holger recommends, drop us a pic or two.


You'll see the end of it :). I can tell you,, I don't have Tongass X but the Sitka/Wrangell area is very well rendered in OpenLC NA !  

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OK Holger, 

Here’s a few but I'm guessing they won't be much more help than the description. I must point out that prior to installing my Global software, (all '3', G-Base, G-Vector, and G-Eu OpenLC were bought and installed at the same time back in January 2015), I turned off all my UTX, GEX and ST, (Scenery Tech), software. 


I also unchecked all UTX references in the FSX Scenery Library panel, (again, before installing the "'3-G's").


However, relatively recently, I came upon some posts in the Orbx/FTX site about someone who was running the UTX software in place of the Global Vector program. I was surprised to read that because I thought the Global Base wouldn't permit it. 


The fact is that I can't remember the details and may even have misunderstood the post itself. That said, within the correspondences, I THOUGHT I read that some people were leaving certain parts of the UTX references, (UT LC Urban or perhaps even more important, UT Alsaka Mesh, for instance), active in the scenery library!


Like I said, I can't remember all, or even most of the details, but I had meant to revisit that discussion for which I believe you were part of. 


To be clear, I personally never did activate any of my UTX USA or UTX Alaska since the Global installs and still have none active at this time. I wasn't certain enough about what I did read that day.


The fact that UTX included the Mesh for Alaska in the UTX Alaska program may explain some, if not all, of these anomalies, yet I do have FS Genesis covering the entire planet with a minimum of 78m. Most of my US Mainland (and I think Alaska is included), is no less than 10.5m LOD 11 but I'm not 100% on the Alaskan mesh.


I may have not installed my AK mesh because UTX was a higher resolution if I'm remembering all this correctly, (I bought a lot of this years ago).


@ Dominique; as I just told Holger, I have FS Genisi mesh and I think my AK was about 10.5/LOD9, (I need to look into that).


Thank you all for the suggestion regarding the 5M Mesh setting. I'm going to try that but it seems to me that reducing the mesh setting would only exasperate the appearance.


In addition, I've always read that FSX will only use the best mesh/resolution selection that it has to draw from within the program so a 2m shouldn't be applied if the mesh is10m, (but I may be as wrong as can be, for all I know).

Thanks again,








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Hi Rich,


thanks for posting the screenshots.


I've checked PASI on my PC with just Vector and openLC NA active and it looks the same as in your screenshots. It's simply a matter of the default PASI airport and local objects being placed using the FSX/P3D default shorelines. Those delivered by Vector are substantially different (presumably more accurate) and thus marinas end up on dry land, the lighthouse in water, and the airport's narrow runway clashes with the repositioned shorelines. Neither Vector nor the default PASI are at fault, they just aren't compatible. Thus, a work-around -- if not very satisfactory -- is to deactivate the Vector entries in the scenery library menu while flying in the area.


A better solution would be for someone to create a version of the airport and local objects that is compatible with vector; I guess though that most people interested in the area already own Tongass Fjords X.


Having said that it looks like Dominique is using a third-party add-on for PASI as the buildings and objects seem different from the default version. It also seems to better fit the Vector shorelines. Dominique, can you provide more information on that?


FYI, add-on mesh or mesh resolution settings plays no part here because at airports its the local flatten polygons that determine elevations.


Cheers, Holger

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As usual Holger, you're a wealth of information. In fact, I had missed an opportunity to buy TonX at a discounted price recently and I'm more convinced than ever that I'll buy it in the very next "FSX spending spree", LOL.


I do have an airport enhancement program that I thought I removed but I see the uninstaller is still in FSX. In addition, I have Traffic360 which I think places some buildings in the areas where default airports exist, (I could be mixing that up with yet another airport enhancement program).


At any rate, the software I think I may have active, isn't the type that would affect elevations, they're supposed to only add some buildings, and some vehicles as well as 'signs and lines' on the runways.


I appreciate the help and plan to go with the TonX software ASAP.



PS, please consider the topic resolved

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