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What do you guys think of Win 10.


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Hi all. So now we have Win 10, what do you think of it so far. Some features of it I like, it seems to be pretty fast and seems to be well laid out. One thing I do not like is the actual graphics of it, to me they look a bit plain like some thing a teenager could knock up quick. All so last night I tried to do a cut and paste of a folder that was on my desktop to one of my hard drives and I couldn't do it, I could cut but not paste. Any body else had this. Derek.

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Fot me it took 40 painless minutes to download and install. I up-graded from windows 7 64bit. Everything worked as before as far as I can tell. My P3D works great and to me ( could be psychological) but the colors seem more robust in directX 12. In fact my P3D has never ran better. Before windows10 it ran great! so now I am a happier camper.

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I updated my WIN 8.1 Home to WIN 10 Home without problems. Upgraded my WIN 10 Home to WIN 10 PRO also without problems. 


BUT I decided to make a clean install of my P3D Academic 2.5.12946.0. I´m in the middle of reinstalling ALL my add-ons. I do have ALL available ORBX add-ons for v2.5 so I need one more day to finish everything.


So far I have reinstalled Global (all 3) All regions + a few more things and starting with airports as soon as I have defragged my HD. So far NOT one problem with anything (unwrapping, installing or ORBX Central).


My P3D seems to work as it should, builds the scenery indexes, uses my SAITEK-products as it should and also other add-ons (SPAD, FSGlobal Weather, ASN, UTXEurope 2, FSGlobal Ultimate, ASN TopCat, PlanG, REX Texture Direct, MyTraffic 6, ProATC, EFB and a few other).




the Swede in Spain

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