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Rodger Pettichord

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Everything posted by Rodger Pettichord

  1. W2DR, I'm saving that saying for the years immediately ahead. I'm getting there...
  2. As you well know, John, it's a wise man who obeys those rules.
  3. LOve it, Ken! Plus aches and pains and rashes and itches and...
  4. Don't mean to change the subject, but has anyone seen my glasses?
  5. J3, well, that is the average. Some make as much as $1,204.
  6. Well, the average self-published novelist makes about $1,000 a year. I'm going to take up lawn-care.
  7. J3, I know the story. Just got the printing done on the first book of a trilogy novel. Now dealing with the legal peripherals and Amazon/Kindle hoo-hah. I had no idea it would be such a pain in the rump to self-publish. Good luck on yours!
  8. J3 your announcement that you now can paint reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw on a pickup truck: "Yes, this is my pickup. No, I will not help you move." Now that you can paint, all of us now are your new best friends who just happen to have planes for you to paint.
  9. Lee, I really liked the calm authority conveyed by that paint job. The 337 looks to me like one of the small gunships from the VietNam era--small plane, big sting. Thanks!
  10. One of the reasons I like the Old Coots Club is that I don't feel alone in being rejected by the computer age. I sure miss phones with a ringer-lever on the side, and pencils and paper, and mechanical typewriters, and...
  11. The aggravating thing, flyingleaf, is that I'm the guy who followed you into the fitting room and discovered that it was no joke.
  12. Lawrence, the British Empire did not collapse, it just went underground for a while.
  13. I am an American mutt -- English, Scottish, French, and German. The Scottish quarter is MacDonald, My father's proudest accomplishment was when he visited Scotland and met some distant relatives then was invited to play The Old Course. How did we come to America? Like so many, the Pettibone/Petticord/Petticoat (take your pick at the border) came to Virginia as indentured servants/laborers. This was in the mid 1700s. It's been all downhill since
  14. Terry, I respectfully disagree. We have had a great deal of fun wandering around in the dark wondering just what we were talking about. That's Old Coot at its best.
  15. Easy for you to say, macca. Mom always liked you best.
  16. I understand your dilemma. Again, thanks for reminding us that the ORBX Forums are to lift us up not tear us down.
  17. Thanks for the reminder, Nick. Could i ask for clarification? I wasn't sensing a "political" discussion.
  18. Dale, I drank my round and told the bartender that a guy in Louisiana was covering the bill. Please come and pay my bail.
  19. John Y, I disagree. With what? Oh, nothing in particular--just making your day
  20. 1. Everyday, start the day by giving thanks that you have your own private room and a son who loves you. 2. Everyday, get out of your room and do something kind for someone else. 3. Everyday, get on this forum and disagree with John York about something (cf above). 4. Everyday, end the day by giving thanks that you have your own private room and a son who loves you.
  21. Dale, over the past six years, I have watched the fences contract and life get smaller. One bit of advice I was given has really helped. A counselor said, "Just respect your limits and find your joy within them." I really took that to heart and have tried to live that way and, oddly enough, am more content now than ever in my life. Best of luck to you, my friend.
  22. John, that's the trouble with being a revered venerable--your every word is taken in its best light.
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