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Everything posted by shermank

  1. fwiw, I have an older system including a GTX 760 GPU and Intel 4690 i5 CPU....in most situations I run P3D V4.5 with little difficulty except for the occasional dxgi.dll ctd... Sherm
  2. Hi all, after reading this latest post, I did a google search for best NVCP settings with P3D. I found an interesting thread at Avsim... Among dozens of posts, one was particularly intriguing. It recommended setting Sharpening to .56, but leaving the granular setting at default .17. i booted up, flying the A2A Cessna 182 around KSBA, Using Active Sky, PTA and Adam's 2.67 .ini file for the shaders. i did not take a screen shot, but I was astounded at the huge difference I found by boosting sharpening to .56 from default .50. There were no stutters, I had FPS at 60, no Vsync and most of the other default settings for P3D. In short, richer color depth, Crystal clear sharp images, no stuttering, and my hair no longer falls out when I shower. OK, I’m kidding about my hair, but the rest stands. Sherm
  3. What is this box above which says I do not have permission to view content? Can an admin or anyone else explain? Thanks...btw, I really am over 21...:-) Sherm
  4. My system reports the 441 driver is incompatible..I did install the latest from the 300 series, but it does not offer the sharpening option. However, I am generally satisfied with how things look using existing resources to fine tune sherm
  5. Here is a link to youtube.com videos of FS Expo 2019 Sherm https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=+FS+Expo+2019
  6. Thanks for the update....for those of you who do not want to print out more than 40 pages, these lists can easily be saved as PDF files. I have an HP printer which allows me to easily convert, and I keep the lists on my desk top for quick reference. I suspect most print program allow for PDF save format... Sherm
  7. PNW, that is a great contribution and discovery. Here's a shot from a flight yesterday into Revelstoke. My aircraft is a freeware Cessna Saloy which ports over easily from FSX into P3D v4.1. Scenery is ORBX, Nvidia 760 GTX and Asus 297A mobo. Sherm
  8. Hi Todd, I would appreciate KUGN, in Waukegan IL. It is my home airport, where I took flight lessons at Stick and Rudder Flight Club. Twenty plus hours in a C152, but never got to solo because of medical issues....but, simming is still fun. Anyway, if you can consider the request, thanks...if not, thanks anyway for all your other work. Sherm
  9. The calendar tells me I will be 77 on April 25th ( Ella Fitzgerald and Al Pacino were born on that day, so I am in pretty good company). But, like all the rest of you on this thread, despite what the calendar claims, we are all 17 at heart. Sherm
  10. My first was a C64. I bought it along with EasyScript, its word processing program. My motivation was to move from pick and punch to learning to type so I could get in sync with my office, which was sqitching from manual typewriters to computers. (fwiw, I have deliberately left this without corrections so you can see that I have not exactly become 100% perfect...and I did have to look at the keyboard to find the % key....:-) I soon learned about buletting boards and flight simulation games. I think MS4 was my first, and I still have the manual for it, plus a series of Charles Gurlick's books on flight sim trips to make in the stick figure scenery of the day. There was anothe fligtht sim game whose name I do not recall, but it involved airmail routes between cities and town which I had never heard of, at least most of them. And, finally, to whoever commented that there are a lot of old folks here, yes, the geezer contingent is loud and proud....:-) Sherm oh, btw, I paid about $1000 for the C84, wnet to bed that miight wondering who I could sell it to. I went back to the computer store the next day, explaining my problems and got several hours of instruction. I have been jooked ever since, but as you can see, and as I mentioned above, this is posted without typo corrections....thanks foreading this car. Geez, I just made myself laugh on that last one, car for far.....
  11. I would be very appreciative for KUGN, Waukegan IL north of Chicago. Thanks sherm
  12. Thanks for the offer. Please do KUGN, Waukegan Illinois, home of Stick and Rudder Flying Club. I never got to solo because of flight surgeon issues, but the training sure was fun! Thanks again! Sherm Sherman Kaplan Highland Park. IL
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