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Posts posted by Bullfox

  1. Its P3D6.  Aside from a lot of airport scenery add ons I am just using Volanta, Active Sky for P3D6, and GSX 2.  I am just using the traffic that come with P3D6 set to about 30%.  I could go higher but then there tends to be a lot of aircraft landing before me and I get a lot of Go Arounds.  GSX 2 works at all the FightSim Dream team airports.  I am working on setting it up at other airports.  The Virtualcol A 220 Has been a pleasant surprise.  Its relatively simple to set up and fly and it looks fine.  Upon installation its set up nose heavy which reduces its range.  The A 220 300 has a range of 3600 miles.  After rearranging the weights in the config file to make it less nose heavy I should be able to get that much range so I can fly it across the the pond to England. 

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  2. A short flight from KMFR to KEKA.  Clear weather at KMFR, but had to come down through 6,000 feet of soup to land at KEKA.  Came down out over the ocean, and broke out at about 1500 feet close to on line with runway 12.   Had a 2 knot tailwind.




    Lined Up.




    Made it!



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  3. A lot of sim aircraft have systems that are not modeled well, if at all.  So there are items on the check list that don't really do anything.  With a new aircraft I just get in the cockpit and take it for a touch and go around my home airport to see what it does and what's required to get it in the air.  I do look at the checklists and after several flights I develop a mental check list of what is necessary to do a flight.  Sometime I make a shortened written check list of my own.  


    Most of my flights are less than three hours.  I have gravitated from private piston engine aircraft to turboprop airliners to jet airliners that are fast enough to get somewhere in two or three hours.  I usually climb to altitude then put the sim in 2x speed until its time to descend in land.  My only military aircraft is the A2A T-6.  Lately I have been flying the Virtualcol CRJ and A 220.  They are inexpensive examples of aircraft that have the basic necessary systems modeled.  they look OK, and have a few quirks that make them interesting to fly.  I also fly the Carenado B120 turboprop.  It will punish you if you don't treat it right.  For private aircraft I mostly fly the A2A Comanche, becasue my brother had one and I have flow in the real aircraft. 

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  4. Zylx, I have about the same specs you do and and I have all the True Earth scenery.  I never noticed a frame rate problem except when going into massively built up areas like Seattle or Los Angels when I would get frame rates in the high 20s.  I am running the sim with very high settings.  I mostly fly P3D6 now, and find it a little better on frame rates than P3D5.  Also, I now lock frame rates at 30 to reduce heat buildup and the sim is very smooth as well as easier on the system.

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  5. So I'm flying the Delta CRJ 900 from Denver to Dallas.  We are at flight level 25 with a tailwind blasting us along at 500kts and P3D6 is running smoothly at 2x speed.  The seat belt sign is turned off and my copilot is a young lady named Delila sitting on my lap.  Suddenly we hit massive turbulence.  I can't reach the seat belt sign to turn it back on without kicking Delila off my lap.  I imagine the passengers in back bouncing off the ceiling.  Oh no, Delta is going to get sued big time.  I imagine myself on the witness stand.  The judge ask me, "Captain Bullfox, was having a cat on your lap while flying a commercial airliner the right thing to do." 

    I reply "Well judge, at the time it seemed like it was."  

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