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Posts posted by andiflyit

  1. 13 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    Good looking shots from the past - and how good it was, compared to the default before. VOZ had really opened a new dimension, optically and technically.

    Thank you Gerold. This are exactly my thoughts after the first installation. I've to do shots of 2 other places: YLIL and YCUN. 


    12 hours ago, Kodiak73 said:

    Nice looking shots Andreas, that sure brings back some fond memories.

    Thanks a lot, glad you like!


    3 hours ago, wain71 said:

    some great shots there, the amazing thing when you look back at some of the older stuff is how well they did with such little resources from the hardware, 4gig ram etc, I remember a flight I did into Manchester, the first time I used Aerosoft Airbus and I had my first OOM, I was gutted as I landed and it all disappeared...

    Thank you Wayne, yes, the famous OOM.:)  I never used such heavy addons in Win XP, FS9 and FSX because of that. In 64-bit it's better. 


    • Like 1
  2. Wonderful set again Paul. And you have the Aerobask DA62 which for me is another first class aircraft in XP. Really like to fly it.


    1 hour ago, paulb said:

    Indeed, hopefully it will be fine in XP12.

    If not the big Tony will get some extra work to do...:) But I am very shure that he is going to be prepared...

    • Like 2
  3. Hi all,


    today I was in the mood to fire up the Microsoft Weathersimulator, have nice scenery and aircraft here. It's the Orbx airport of course.
























    Thank you very much for viewing!





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  4. 13 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

    Excellent images Andreas.

    I have done a few flights in the DC-3 and C140 and I find them both great to fly.

    I have always liked  their planes and had a few before they became freebies.

    A very generous action on their part.:)

    Yes indeed it is. Thanks a lot Martyn! :)


    13 hours ago, wain71 said:

    nice shots, yeah very welcome addition, nice of them to now give them away as they are now more concerned with the newer sim, much appreciated....

    Yes, I will follow up and watch what they offer. Seems to be that they really know how to do it... 

    • Like 1
  5. Hi all,


    found this freeware DC3 and Cessna 140 and also a little Tecnam and Socata, all by Aeroplane Heaven,

    and available in the Orbx freeware section. Installs via Orbx Central. 


    The aircraft all seems to work very well and flies rather stable, not any nervous in the vsi or so, it's good.

    Watch that the DC3 is a nearly 10 gb install due to a lot of nice paints and versions.


    Thanks a lot Orbx and Aeroplane Heaven, this is great! :)
















    Thank you very much for viewing!




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  6. 19 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    As fine as can be expected I reckon.  Thanks.  Hope you’re well Andy.  God bless.

    Thank you Jack, good to hear. :)  Have some minor health problems (don't get any younger) but overall it's ok!  

    • Like 2
  7. 17 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

    Those are remarkably good images considering it was FS9, well done.:)

    Mine never looked anything as good as shown here.:o

    Thanks a lot Martyn! :) It looks better on today's hardware of course than on the old stuff. If I'am right I've had an Ahtlon II 250

    and something like a Nvidia 8400 GS or so for years. And Win XP and because of this only 3 gb RAM. 


    16 hours ago, paulb said:

    Nice set of shots Andreas. Brings back good memories.


    Thank you very much Paul, glad you like it!

  8. Very nice shots Martyn! :) Remembers me that I have a Beechcraft Duke in XP10 but it does not really work in XP11.


    9 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Very fine Martyn!  

    Good day Mr. Jack :), last time was some time ago, everything fine?   

    • Like 2
  9. On 7/8/2022 at 3:15 AM, TerribleT said:

    Ahhhh FS9 for all the reasons given above - the last sim made for the customer to really learn and manipulate.  I have a mate (a LAME) who has refused to progress beyond it for precisely that reason.


    AND who at the time could forget the magic of VOZ and its associated community participation :D

    We all couldn't forget it! :) In those days it all was not so sophisticated as it is today but it was interesting and a lot of fun.

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  10. 4 hours ago, BradB said:

    Good memories Andrea , thanks for the post . 

    Thanks a lot John!


    2 hours ago, ikbenik said:

    Fine made serie of remembrance shots because the VOZ-Australia add was the start for my FlightSim adventure with, for that time, gorgeous textured scenes.

    Yes, you are right, to have such a big scenery pack in those days was great. Thank you very much for your kind comment!


    59 minutes ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

    How far the simulator has come today.  I'll take my MSFS 2020 over FS9 any day of the week - shocking what we used to consider good scenery back then with the repeated land class tiles.   LOL.   

    We all know what is good scenery today! And of course nobody will prefer FS9 instead of P3d or XP or MSFS...it's long ago but it was fun! B)

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