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Posts posted by andiflyit

  1. Nice shots Iain! 


    4 hours ago, paulb said:

    Very nice Iain :). She still looks so futuristic after all these years.

    You are right Paul, it was an incredible aircraft, considering when it was constructed.  

    • Like 3
  2. And I am fooling around with the editor as well, oh....now it was inserted twice.


    13 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

    Excellent image Andreas and I do like your 753, a rare plane with only 55 being made.:)

    Thank you very much Martyn :), I can see this from my aircraft pack because most of the paints and airlines are 752.  


    I will go on tomorrow, I think it was too hot last days, I am a bit unfocused or so. :huh:

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    That is one long plane there Andreas. Always loved KBZN in FSX and P3D. Some nice images you have taken here :) 

    Thanks a lot Landon :), and yes, the plane is long because I didn't watch that the Continental paint is a B757-300 and not a 200. :banghead:

    There are  really a lot of paints and versions in the pack.


    2 hours ago, paulb said:

    Very nice Andreas :)

    Thank you Paul, glad you like it.:)


    1 hour ago, BradB said:

    Looking real nice Andy , NA-Central Rockies would also help this area . :):)

    Thank you Sir :), and if the NA-Central Rockies covers the Gallatin area than it's active there because I have installed it. 

    So the scenery is FTX Global and on top NA-Central Rockies and on top the airport. I'm afraid this is not my day. :o


    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    That is one long plane there Andreas. Always loved KBZN in FSX and P3D. Some nice images you have taken here :) 

    Thanks a lot Landon :), and yes, the plane is long because I didn't watch that the Continental paint is a B757-300 and not a 200. :banghead:

    There are  really a lot of paints and versions in the pack.


    1 hour ago, paulb said:

    Very nice Andreas :)

    Thank you Paul, glad you like it.:)


    1 hour ago, BradB said:

    Looking real nice Andy , NA-Central Rockies would also help this area . :):)

    Thank you Sir :), and if the NA-Central Rockies covers the Gallatin area than it's active there because I have installed it. 

    So the scenery is FTX Global and on top NA-Central Rockies and on top the airport. I'm afraid this is not my day. :o


    • Like 1
  5. Hi all, 


    this are a few shots I did because I always like the scenery when I'm there. First installed it years ago in FSX.

    It's all sourrounded by FTX Global which works well in a jet, looks good from above everywhere.


    So this is Orbx airport KBZN on top of FTX Global and I think the Pilots Mesh.









    Thank you very much for viewing!






    • Like 7
  6. 17 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

    Well, some nice images once again from XP Andreas. You have taken quite the plethora of screenshots here, all looking very nice.

    Thanks a lot Landon, I try to do my best...:)

    • Like 1
  7. Great shots Adam and a wonderful aircraft :). Your pictures have inspired me to visit the PMDG website and they 

    have an awesome DC6, didn't know that. You might want to install that too if you don't have it, and do a big series 

    of shots inside and outside. I would be interested to install it in P3d. Thank you.  

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