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Posts posted by andiflyit

  1. In my last shot I didn't show enough of the scenery I guess. But indeed if you are on the ground on "Parking 1" it looks like this. :)


    So the scenery is S93 Cle Elum Municipal Airport and I have it since a lot of years, first in FSX. It's a wonderful scenery there. 


    Thank you all very much, the little game was fun! And happy flying! :)




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  2. 7 hours ago, paulb said:

    A great set Andreas :).

    Thanks a lot Paul! :)


    6 hours ago, BradB said:

    Terrific set of shots Andreas . 

    Glad you like it John!


    6 hours ago, John Mac said:

    A beautiful set of shots Andreas! You certainly make the case to fly there!


    Thank you John, I think it's really nice there, fun to go there.


    3 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

    Top class scenery shown off so well Andreas.

    I liked what you showed of the airport and then the city was even better.

    I like the look on your planes face, I can't stop laughing at it.

    I wouldn't mind some of what he is on!:P

    Thank you Martyn! The little Cup is proud to have an autopilot. And that's why it's in a good mood...:)


    3 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Grand set of shots. 



    Thank you very much Iain! 


    1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    What a beautiful area and shots Andreas, thanks.

    Thank you very much Jack! 

    • Like 4
  3. Hi all,


    so this is another nice airport in MSFS, according to Orbx the second busiest in Sweden. The airport of course is well done by Marcus Nyberg

    and there is also a great scenery for the town Gothenburg which seems to be a nice place in Sweden. I like it, it's worth it to fly there.


















    Thank you very much for viewing!







    • Like 8
  4. 10 hours ago, ikbenik said:

    Somewhere in Canada  -  British Columbia ?  If the plane with Canadian registration is a possible hint ! !

    No the plane is not a hint, it's just my green 207, didn't watch it. But I give you some hints:


    - It's not in Canada, it's not a grasstrip, there is a solid asphalt runway and the scenery covers an entire village/valley 

    which was very much appreciatet when it came out. There is also another little field in the scenery. 


    But what you can see in the shot are the main airport buildings :), I didn't snap past it.

    When I first installed it I laughed and said "This is not too much off an airport". There is another little hangar or shed  on the right side.  

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, paulb said:

    Well the walkways suggest a pretty big airport :)

    Yes Paul  :) and I think rather frequented, but it's in the city. 


    3 hours ago, ikbenik said:

    Stockholm-Bromma  -  ESSB. A great Orbx-made airport by Marcus Nyberg.

    And this is again fast and precise Mr. ikbenik! And you can only see a part of the airport, very good. Thank you very much! :)


    The scenery is indeed well done, a lot of nice city scenery around but I have some issues with the surrounding MSFS scenery. 

    The roads and some parts of the ground are all green in the entire area in my sim. Looks a bit strange... 


    And I have another one, this time again P3d and of course Orbx. The airport is a bit smaller but it's an airport....you can see the terminal there...:D

    So where is this?







    • Like 1
  6. Very nice shots Jack and a nice paint of the C310. :) MSFS is of course very good to explore such large areas using the "on the fly" scenery.


    Thank you for the recommendation "Simple Traffic", I've installed it and it's very good. Nice paints and a lot of aircraft everywhere and no fps hit.


    • Like 2
  7. And than the nose a bit up so that you don't have to swim, exemplary Mr. Jack! :)


    1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

    The ammount of detail in the dock area is amazing.

    Great images and it is well worth exploring Melbourne in something a tad slower.:)

    I will very soon do a series of 30 shots at Melbourne in P3d / AUV2 so we can start a "Melbourne forum" here...:D

    But I am not used to fly helicopters in the sims, I think it's a bit tiring because you can't let it go.  

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, ikbenik said:

    Szeged Airport - LHUD out of Hungary VFR pack for free via Orbx-Central (a total of 14 airports/airfields next to a bunch of Hungarian Landmarks)

    Exactly ikbenik, very good and thank you! :)

    It's LHUD and is one of the fields of the free scenery pack by HungaryVFR which also includes some landmarks.

    Szeged is in the south of Hungary close to the Serbian and Rumanian border. We can fly a lot there so my special thanks go to HungaryVFR. :)


    7 hours ago, wain71 said:

    I was going to say somewhere in Hungary but was busy at work....is Goulash Hungarian? apologizes if it's not...

    Hi Wayne, Goulash is Hungarian as ikbenik said, so you where on the right path to the scenery. :)

    Paella is another fine meal which I also like a lot with seafood.



    And I have another one. It's MSFS again and of course Orbx scenery. So where is it?














    • Like 3
  9. 2 hours ago, paulb said:

    So it's not Belfast then? (Irish Stew) ;):rolleyes:

    Sorry Paul, no, it's not at Belfast or Ireland at all. So geographically it's not around the corner but regarding the meal your are very close. :)

    Find a quite similar meal as the Irish Stew which is the specialty of another country and with the country you can find it on the Orbx site,

    Some additional typical simmer work may be necessary....;)

    • Like 3
  10. 13 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

    Great set of shots 




    Thank you very much Iain!


    13 hours ago, Caluma65 said:

    Great set of shots.  Cheers,



    And thank you Calum, glad you like it!


    12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Great shots Andreas.  The graphics quality and smoothness has really grabbed me in this sim.  It's quite nice.

    Thanks a lot Jack. Yes, as long as you don't have the sun in your eyes...:)

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  11. 12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Is it in Europe?


    12 hours ago, paulb said:


    I did look at it Andreas, but I don't seem to recognise it. The helicopter in the foreground looks Russian? :unsure:

    Hi guys, 


    now I give you a hint: There is a country in Europe which is well known for a famous meal

    made from a lot of meat, onions, maybe some more vegetables and a lot of spice. Search the Orbx site for details.  




    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, BradB said:

    Love the Brest shots . :wub:^-^:P

    Thank you very much John! It's from MSFS....:)  I vehemently insist that Xplane and P3d are the better simulators....:P:lol:

    We will see...


    2 hours ago, paulb said:

    Great shots of Brest and the surrounding area Andreas :).

    Thank you Paul, glad you like it! :)


    2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

    Top class views Andreas.

    The airport is very well done and the surrounding countryside looks very pleasant.:)

    Thanks a lot Martyn. :) It's a good base to explore the North West of France in MSFS. France VFR have a lot airports around France. 

    And also airport packs and special offers. You can fly a lot there, it's another large country.


    1 hour ago, wain71 said:

    some wonderful shots there Andreas...great area to explore...

    Thank you Wayne, yes, the default scenery of the sim is really not bad.




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