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Posts posted by W2DR

  1. It looks like your paint job came out better that mine Nick. When I decided to sell the old '52 I thought some fresh paint would get a higher price and make for a quicker sale. Back then there was a chain of paint shops owned by a guy name Earl Scheib. One of the crazy things he did (there were several of them) that made him a legend in California in the 1960's was his TV ad which proclaimed "...I'll paint any car any color for $99". So...I dropped my car off on my way to work one Wednesday morning and went back to pick it up in the afternoon. I told them to paint it white. And they did. The whole car. Including the tires, bumpers, and windows. When I expressed a bit of shock they told me that if I wanted the car to masked-off so as to only paint the body parts I should have told them as it costs extra to cover up the "other stuff". I got them to scrape the paint off the windows (sort of) so I could drive it home and then spent a week in my spare time cleaning up the mess. Lesson learned.

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  2. I wish I had a picture. When we were first married both my wife and I worked. On the opposite sides of town. It soon became obvious that a second car was going to be needed. We didn't have much money so I went looking for something I could get on the cheap. And I found it the first day. A 1952 split-window Volkswagen Beetle. What a car. No gas gauge, 25 H.P., headlights that let you see at least 50 feet down the road, and a gearbox that you could, with a little practice, shift without the clutch. I loved that car. It served me well for a little over three years before I traded it in for a brand-spanking new 1967 Bug. And as I look back now, I liked the old one better.

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  3. Unless there is a another reason to do so, there is no real advantage to de-partitioning the drives. Windows can handle up to 26 physical drives. I have 4 optical and 19 data drives (5 internal and 14 external) on this system and Windows handles it fine 99.5% of the time. If I have everything active at the same time Windows will occasionally mess up a drive letter or two on a reboot but that's easily fixed with Disk Management...no big deal. I usually run with as few of the external drives active as I can but that's just for my convenience...Windows doesn't care one way or the other. I's rather have several small drives rather than just a couple of big ones because, as you say, it solves some of the "clutter" problems.

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  4. On 8/7/2021 at 12:12 AM, Rob Abernathy said:

    Saw them at Altamont Pass in 1969 too

    There's nothing like a free Stones concert to draw a crowd. I wasn't there but I lived only 25 miles away in San Ramon. And that's a day we "locals" remember too (if for nothing else than the traffic on 580). December 6, 1969. Wow...where have all the years gone? Sigh. The story of the Stones concert that day at the Altamont Pass Speedway will always be remembered by so many people for so many reasons...both the good things and the bad things. For all the many who have no idea what we're talking about there's more info here  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altamont_Free_Concert .


    P.S. How long did it take you to get there Rob? And to get back home? :)

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  5. Over the weekend I decided to clean up some of the "junk" on my 47TB of HDD. On one of the drives I ran across my old FSX add-on files. All 927GB of them. As I hadn't used FSX in years I started to delete them. But then I looked again. There was some really good stuff in there. Sort of like old friends. But now it's a whole new ballgame. Or is it? The lightbulb suddenly came on. Why not just reinstall P3Dv3 and use all your favorite FSX stuff there? And that's what I'm doing. I don't know how much of the FSX stuff will run in P3Dv3 but I suspect most will and it's looking good so far. Fingers crossed.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Aussieflyer38 said:


    LOL, and she's still living with you?

    Sure. We go back a long way. She picked me up at the county fair carnival 64 years ago. She was 12 and I was 14. We've been married for 55 years and she's still putting up with me So here we are...the ideal couple...a grumpy old man married to a tough old broad.

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  7. 45 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

    It is very important to use the O&O defrag "Name" function for flight simulators on HDD's.

    Interesting. I never found any noticeable difference between Name and Stealth. Probably just my lousy eyesight.

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  8. Good question. There is a lot of "defrag hype" that has carried over from the days before Windows went to the NTFS file  system. Back in the "old days" defragging your drive(s)was much more important than it is today. There is no general answer as to how often a given drive needs to be defragmented. Drives which have few write operations can go for a long time without any defragmentation (even years). The more frequent the write activity to a drive the more the need to eventually do a defrag. For the average home user about once a month, at the most, is just fine. As far as what program to use, unless you have a known need for something more sophisticated the built-in defrag utility in Windows will do the job as well as anything.  It's all that 95% of users will ever need. I have 47TB of HDD on this system and as most all of it is used purely for storage I seldom even bother to defrag these drives after the initial defrag is done. I have my flightsim(s) on a SSD but when they were on the HDD's I never worried about periodic defragging there either. As long as there is minimal write activity all will be well. 

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  9. Unless you've had some experience(s) in troubleshooting the myriad of problems that may occur otherwise you really, really need to consider a complete reinstall. It's not the fastest nor easiest solution but it's the best solution (IMNSHO) as it works 100% of the time.

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  10. After having a bit of a tough time with a recently-released flight sim I decided to "go back to the basics". I reinstalled P3Dv4, the PMDG 747-400, and FlyTampa's Kai Tak. Now I can go back to flying the IGS Rwy 13 approach exactly as I learned it from a golfing buddy who was a retired Northwest 747 pilot and had done it in RL many times. Indeed, flight sim heaven. Life is good.

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  11. My second has to be my only flight into Kai Tak. That was over 40 years ago now but I'll never forget the approach on the Rwy 13 IGS. It was about midnight when we landed and I have no words to describe the incredible views on that that landing. I feel so lucky to have had the experience of being there. I'll never get back to Hong Kong again but it really doesn't matter as it could never be the same. Life is good.

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